This project is another batch of Dreadknights, my favourite to date. Done in the same manner as the Original Dreadknight Project, these were done with an emphasis on making them heavier looking. I started by taking one of the original pics and photoshopping certain elements to give myself an idea of how to make them.
The final touch that I feel really sets these apart was suggested by the client and that’s the hydraulic pistons on the sides of the legs. I’m also especially pleased with the larger feet, something that bugged me about the originals.
On one of these I also opted to sculpt a relief of one of the images normally found on a shoulder shield (sorry, not sure what they are called), that of a Grey Knight fighting a daemon. I also repeated it on one of the models hip plates.
The final difference between this three and the originals is the heavier loincloths. I tried something a bit different to make these, sculpting them roughly in plasticene, moulding them in Blu-Stuff Putty, and casting them in resin. That gave me some solid pieces that I cleaned up and refined using green stuff and magic sculp.