All the various bits of odds and sods added to the basic hull to add verisimilitude to the design.

The bow.

The ventral.

The stern.

 At this stage a scratch build looks terrible, like a load of old bits glued together - which is exactly what it is. But remember the old modeller's maxim: A lick o'paint covers a multitude of sins.

The model is sealed in with a generous coat of Army Painter white undercoat, a 'thick' paint that blends everything in and gives a continuous texture to the differently sourced components.

Then I airbrushed on Vallejo Air Cold Grey.

Incidentally, for this I used one of Rochester Models £25 double-action airbrushes. These are highly durable, Robust, and completely adequate for this purpose, saving wear and tear on my Iwata.

A dorsal view.

From the side.

Bow on.

The rear.