While I awaited the next batch of kits to arrive for the Exodite project, I rooted around in the Closet of Doom for various half-completed projects to polish off and my eye fell upon the trio of Rhino variants that had gotten up to the "off the factory floor" stage and were just awaiting the waterslide and weathering treatment. Easy peasy!

Broke out the Microset and Microsol and got some gold iconography laid in and sealed down, nothing too outrageous required as the SoH doors on either side were garish enough I figured! Once that was done it was a simple matter to get some sponge weathering and chipping on here and there, and then get some mud and dust splashed up the sides of the hulls.

By default the chassis will be used as Rhinos to ferry the various infantry around, but to give them a little more punch, they have an additional Multi-melta (from Wargame Exclusive). Technically pintle-mounted, the servitor-controlled turret looks a bit more brutalist to me which I felt suits the Sons of Horus!

Alternately, they may also be fitted with some alternate Whirlwind turrets (or Scorpius launchers if you squint), to give the force some anti-horde capability. These turrets are also from Wargame Exclusive and I rather like 'em, though I think they may be better suited to a Word Bearers army what with the cathedral-like design aesthetic. Just means I should start a Word Bearers force, right?

Finally I managed to dig up a single radar dish suitable to run one of the Rhinos as a Damocles command tank, which dovetails nicely with the deep striking/teleporting nature of the Sons of Horus, as well as offering up some interesting Reserves manipulation shenanigans and a once-a-game pie plate lance strike from orbit. Hard to go wrong there!

Overall I'm pretty pleased with them, though looking over the pics I might give the mud and dust another going over with some sponged-on stippling. Still, they're table ready and I'm looking forward to getting some game time in with 'em!