Keshryii from Raging Heroes is an amazing model.

 Her retinue, modeled in her own extreme image, is an example of powerful a personality she must be. 

Lust Elves are shape shifters.  the more powerful personalities among them determine the shapes of their followers... in the case of Keshryii, whose form is one of the more extreme, that personality must be powerful indeed!
 I've painted this batch as proxies for the Grotesques of my Dark Eldar Blood Rain Kabal.  These models really illustrate the feeling of horror that the flesh shapers of the Drukhari must evoke.  A horror made all the more terrible by the fact that the grotesques choose this existence and pay the Haemunculi dearly for the procedures that remake a normal Dark Eldar into such a fearsome visage.

I've continued refining the red process in particular and made some progress with cool highlights and lowlights.

Flesh also got a lot of attention being a wash of Sunny Flesh (Vallejo) over the base coat of Krylon Camouflage Khaki which had been dry-brushed with Apple Barrel Sandstone. A Flesh Wash from Secret Weapon was then applied followed by layering Sunny Flesh and Fairy Flesh (Vallejo).
 I love blue hair... probably the Anime geek in me but I do like it a lot!

Hair was Nightmare Black (Reaper) a heavy dry-brush of Void-Shield Blue (Warpaints), a Sapphire Wash (Secret Weapon) and a very light dry-brush of Void-Shield blue and top dusting of pure white.

Because the centaurs model themselves after Keshryii they all tend toward similar colors and were worked up using the same process.
 When started working on the model I kept seeing the cover of the old Chrome 2 supplement for Cyberpunk... and one of the old Gamma World covers.  I didn't look at them for reference or anything but I wanted to convey the metal augmentations.  Keshryii isn't just a shapeshifter... shes got ecstatic minions actually grafted into her form and the joins are very chrome!
A size comparison with the centaurs and Canoness Veridyan (GW).

As you can see the centaurs are massive!
 A couple of views of the assembled troop.

 they are even more frightening as a group than as individuals.
A final comparison with Centaur Trooper, Canoness Veridyan, and a Void Elf Hunter.

There is also a set of these in Fantasy Version.  But I may try to knock out the rest of my Lust Elf Sci-Fi stock first...

Choices, choices!