My group finally found some time, and sat down and played our second game of the Path to Carcosa campaign- The Last King.  In here, we are interviewing the cast/crew of the play... and strange things start happening.

I again took Yorrick, and talked about my deck and previous results here:

I made a few changes to my deck with the experience I received.  Looking to add some extra combat punch, I replaced the level 0 Vicious Blow with a level 2 version (for 2 xp), and replaced a Guard Dog with Aquinnah level 3.  That should help my survivability and damage output.

In our scenario, we had to hop between locations, talking to the crew, and generating clues.  With my Fine Clothes, I actually had a really easy time with things overall.  We ended up fully interviewing two, with two of them dying, and getting out.

We ended up getting Resolution 1, then Lunacy Reward 1, as we elected to check back on the house and party.

Our campaign log currently reads:
Doubt - 2
Chasing the Stranger - 2
You have identified the solution (Rob)
You chose not to go to the Police
The Stranger is on to you
You Intruded on a Secret Meeting
Total Experience: 9
VIPs Interviewed: Ishimaru Haruko, Sebastie Moreau
VIPs Slain: Constance Dumaine, Ashleigh Clarke
Bobby now has the Man in the Pallid Mask weakness

We continue playing on Tuesday.