I have said many times how much I love Dark Sword miniatures.  The level of detail and precision makes it a dream to paint.  By comparison, the figures almost "paint themselves", which make them ideal subjects for the live streams, such as this facebook live episode.

I used some Green Stuff World flower tufts on the base, which was a very nice compliment to all the purple tones on the figure itself.  I have many more of these Dark Sword figures prepped, hoping to show dozens of different techniques in both oil paints and 'regular' acrylic paints.

I will be doing special YouTube versions of the live painting sessions on many more Dark Sword figures.  These will be available for the Patreon supporters who pledge $5, and those pledging $10 can win these figures in secondary raffles, in addition to the usual monthly raffle.

I am hoping that the page does well enough that I can start to get more interesting large figures to paint in oils.  

As always, any support for the page helps a great deal!