Not a whole lot of brush time of late with Real Life(tm) munching up more of my free time than I'd prefer, but nonetheless the work continues on the Exodites of the Tanelorn Wood.

The force needed a couple more troops choices, and I knew I wanted to do a squad or two of Rangers. A fairly straightforward kitbash, the legs, torsos and heads are from the Wildwood Rangers matched with de-spike-ified splinter rifles. Simple but effective!

On the other end of the spectrum, the far more complex Night Spinner has taken shape and as a professed arachnophobe this particular part of the project has been thoroughly uncomfortable for me. Hah! It was a toss-up between the Fire Prism and the Night Spinner for the "tank", and as I've been going with a beetles and bugs and assorted creepy-crawlies the opportunity to mix in the Arachnorok Spider was the more theme-y option it seemed.

I didn't necessarily just want to plonk a Night Spinner turret on the back of the spider and call it a day, the aesthetic called for a more overgrown look, and I tied to make it seem as though the craftworld-y weapons platform is lashed in place with more natural building materials. Overall I think it works without being too busy, but we'll see how it paints up! It's certainly already creeping me out...