Hi all,
thank you for the feedback!

After the Chapter Master was mostly done I thought a lot about the colors for the remaining two characters.
I decided to use a kind of purple for the Terminator
Despite the ornaments identifying him  as a Blood Angel, I rather like to call him a "Cardinal"
It's an unusual color, but in good contrast to the deep red cape of the Chapter Master
And with the gold it looks even better and less pink.
So this completed the two central figures
With the Terminator supporting the dying Chapter Master
who fought "To the Bitter End"
So now I had to decide on the last character...

I was initially against a golden armour, as there so many wonderful and perfect NMM golden figures are currently on the Internet.
But since I needed a contrasting color to the other two and I didn't want to use green - too close to the Orks - I decided to give gold a try.
I never did a complete golden armour before
and it took me three days to come close to a pleasing result
Especially since I tried to use different light situations on the gold
It was a lot of work
But I think it was worth it.
Though none of the smooth gold seen so often
The tabbard became red
The Inquisitor has very dark skin
and blue eyes
And finally I used some dirt to do a bit of weathering and splashed a lot of blood on the scene
So here we are
"To The Bitter End"
Most likely I will let it sit a few days and then re-visit it and decide if I give it a little airbrush light - redoing the red and orange shine from the sides.
As a final step I will remove the masking tape on the three straight sides and work a bit with the wood - probably just a varnish...
So, what do you think?
Thank you