I've been really terrible in posting on here over the last month or so. There's no excuse for it really. I've just been feeling too lazy to write blog posts!

That doesn't mean I haven't been hobbying though. I pushed on after my last post and managed to finish up Damokai:

I really love how he's turned out. He's so full of character. One look at him and I get the impression of a stubborn bastard who won't take crap from anybody. A happy accident of my painting has also made it look like he's got a scarred and missing eye, so I've dubbed him with the nickname 'Little Magnus'.

True to one of the most universal rules of wargaming, he performed terribly in his first game after being painted. Even by my usual standards it was truly appaling luck. He managed to melt his own brains and that of his Sekhmet bodyguard with Perils of the Warp on three consecutive turns against my local Emperor's Children player, utterly failing to claim the relic he was meant to be hunting for!

Hopefully he's gotten that out of his system now and he'll do better next time. I still need to paint the rim of his base though. Fingers crossed that won't cause a relapse, especially as my next game is a big multiplayer battle to mark the end of the campaign leg.

Either way, he's near enough to being done to consider him my first finished model for 2018 and for me to claim a nice chunk of painting points for him. I've been working on some other stuff as well this month, but I'm shattered after a night shift right now so I'll probably do a couple of follow up posts over the next couple of days to show those off as well.

Until then, happy gaming!
I've been really terrible in posting on here over the last month or so. There's no excuse for it really. I've just been feeling too lazy to write blog posts!

That doesn't mean I haven't been hobbying though. I pushed on after my last post and managed to finish up Damokai:

I really love how he's turned out. He's so full of character. One look at him and I get the impression of a stubborn bastard who won't take crap from anybody. A happy accident of my painting has also made it look like he's got a scarred and missing eye, so I've dubbed him with the nickname 'Little Magnus'.

True to one of the most universal rules of wargaming, he performed terribly in his first game after being painted. Even by my usual standards it was truly appaling luck. He managed to melt his own brains and that of his Sekhmet bodyguard with Perils of the Warp on three consecutive turns against my local Emperor's Children player, utterly failing to claim the relic he was meant to be hunting for!

Hopefully he's gotten that out of his system now and he'll do better next time. I still need to paint the rim of his base though. Fingers crossed that won't cause a relapse, especially as my next game is a big multiplayer battle to mark the end of the campaign leg.

Either way, he's near enough to being done to consider him my first finished model for 2018 and for me to claim a nice chunk of painting points for him. I've been working on some other stuff as well this month, but I'm shattered after a night shift right now so I'll probably do a couple of follow up posts over the next couple of days to show those off as well.

Until then, happy gaming!