Remember that lack of motivation I was talking about yesterday? Well it seem that the universe has a weird way of solving these issues.

I got an email today saying my package of Forge World goodies has been dispatched. That basically means that unless I make progress quickly, my painting points total is going to be shot to pieces.

With that in mind I sat down and forced myself to apply the final few layers and basing on my Breachers, so they're pretty much done now. I just need to sit down with the Micro Sol/Set on my day off tomorrow and finish applying the decals.

You'll have to forgive the slightly subpar photo quality. I only had my phone camera to hand and I was about to go to work, so didn't have time to get a proper shot. Tbh I think they're looking pretty good as they are, but my principles won't let me claim the painting points for them until they're completely done, otherwise I'll get lazy and never get round to doing the transfers.

After that I need to do my Veterans and I'll be able to bump my points up by 20, which should at least cover the 'cost' of Magnus. Not sure how I'll offset the rest, but at least it's heading in the right direction!