Bunch of random things came lately, and since I don't have anything better to talk about, why not show off some random things?

First up is the most recent issue of Against the Odds Magazine, Arctic Disaster. This covers the battle that destroyed over two-thirds of the PQ-17 convoy to Russia during World War II. The magazine itself will have a bunch of interesting military history articles (most relevant to the main game's subject), so I have something to read when I have some time!
Cover of the magazine
The countersheet
Half of the map (other half not shown, because I'm lazy)
I already have one game on this subject (PQ-17: Arctic Naval Operations 1941-1943 from GMT Games). So now I have TWO unplayed games on the subject! And who knows when that will ever change.

From Legion Wargames, I received Picket Duty, a solo game where you're in charge of a Navy Destroyer in World War II, providing anti-air protection for the fleet against Japanese kamikaze fighters.
The map/game board
One of the counter sheets, showing enemy planes
This game, like many solo games of this style, involves digging through charts for much of the gameplay. You're really experiencing a brief story, almost, with your decisions hopefully providing a favorable outcome.

With luck, between the part-time job, and the hopefully upcoming house purchase, I'll have the time and cat-deficient space to play this in the near future.

Finally, I picked up the first game of the Nations at War series, White Star Rising (2nd Edition). As I mentioned, I bought Desert Heat at PrezCon, but I remembered how much I loved the series, and couldn't wait to grab everything that's out. I didn't buy the third title yet, but I will soon. This one covers battles in Western Europe including and post Normandy.
WSR box
Example of one of the counter sheets- a mix of AFVs, Infantry, and support assets.
The cover of the second game, since I didn't put one up before
This one, at least, I should get on the table in the near-ish future. The third game in the series covers Russian-German conflicts, and I expect I'll grab it in a month or so, getting me caught up on the series for the moment.

Anyway, lots of fun new games that I'll eventually play. Later today, I'm supposed to play Star Wars: Legion, which I'm pretty excited about, although I admit the rules have me concerned- I'll likely love it because it's Star Wars, but will it really be engrossing enough to stand as its own game? God, I hope so, but we'll see.