Back to Star Saga! 

This group of Characters and Adversaries was knocked out while I was working on my first Twisted gang. I have about a half dozen character models left and a lot of terrain to finish up before the core set is completed.

The Survivor is one of those characters that carries his whole life with him everywhere he goes, never knowing which moment will be the his last.  I wanted to represent the ad-hoc nature of his equipment.  His gear is maintained but not beautified and focused on utility.  He seems quite dour.

A lot of the gear would plastic of some sort so some of the things like the webbing on his leg I think of as medical self sealing wound technology and its painted in medical plastic green. The rest of the suit is largely generic white hard-suit without emblems of affiliation
Francesco "The Devil" Selvaggio reminds me of Jayne from Firefly.  The gear is military surplus and the coat reminds me of an old Eldar Ranger.  I figure the coat is his one real possession and shows some evidence of being repaired from time to time.

The coat grey process was influenced by the Twisted Gang I'm working on and the thought that Jayne was once a member of a failed rebellion or lost cause like the Brown Coats of the Firefly Verse.  He's still proud and angry and frequently gets into altercation with Federal representatives who view his open admission of affiliation as an insult. 
Although I think the sack is supposed to have smoke grenades or aomething similar I like to think of Francesco as addicted to soft drinks so the cans are painted the metallic green of Zolt! Which I think of as the child of Monster Energy and Mt. Dew...

Grey is a Reaper grey triad and the lighter areas are Reaper Buckskin Pale and Army Painter Soft Tone.
  Admittedly I haven't read a lot of the backgrounds for Star Saga.  I have read a novel and most of the initial backgrounds for the Warpath Universe where Star Saga is set but the whole feel of the game had such a strong Mass Effect vibe that I just kind of went with that in general.

Capt. Erika Dulinski is a nod to the N7 program of Mass Effect.

Krylon Khaki Base Drybrushed with Craft Paint Sandstone and washed with Secret Weapon Heavy Body Black is the bulk of the scheme.  There are red and Grey accent colors both created with Reaper Triads (Gray, Gory red).
  I envision the base as an N7 black site that is operating under the moniker N7X so that designation will appear on some of the terrain bits and in floor designs when the MDF floor tiles from the Kickstarter eventually arrive.
I really should read the background on "The Fear". Its such an ostentatious name after all! I think of him as part of "The Nameless" faction that seems to be slowly emerging in the Warpath Verse.

The armor reminded my of some old faux Slann models I have somewhere so I did a throwback style for it.

Krylon Khaki drybrushed with Craftpaint Sandstone the a coat of Liquitex Magenta Ink for the bulk of the scheme.  Highlights are Vallejo Pink. Green accents are Vallejo US Army Bright Green and Secret Weapon Verdigris for top Highlights.
There are cool washes (Lavender (SW)) in the shadowed areas and warm glazes (Just Red (SW)) on upper surfaces as well as some basic patterning on the shoulders and underlining with the war or cool highlight depending on the location of the perceived light source.  I still have a long way to go on this technique but its getting better with practice.

Alyse is the final character in the line up but the individual pictures of him/her did not come out very well so I'll have to re take them and drop them in future post.

Tomorrow is photography lesson day which I'm quite amped about!

Back to the Bench!