Dave Taylor has inspired me to try more and do better in my hobby endeavors than any other hobbyist. With that in mind I was happy as a pig in shit to back his Kickstarter for Armies, Legions & Hordes. I'd try and sell you on it but The Terrain Tutor (Mel is bloody amazing go watch his videos) does it much better. I will say that when my copy of Armies, Legions & Hordes does arrive I'll display it along with my Imperial Armour Masterclass books.
The KS is almost unlocked all of the pledge levels. Even better there's a pledge level that gets you some facetime with Dave via Skype. Now I can't afford that one but I sure wish I could. Oh well I guess I'll just have to try and meet him at a game con someday.
In other news I'm plugging along with my tanks for #armourinapril. Stay tuned for more updates!