Here at Atomic Warlords HQ we are giving Mrs. Blackheart's Eldar some attention. A large pile of broken Eldar has slowly built up, and it's time for fixn'.

Today's quick example of a simple fix are the Swooping Hawks. The Olde Tyme poses were okay on 25mm bases, broad stance, not too tall, but still had some tipping issues.
But the second versions, (still a while ago) are much more dynamic, but have serious stability issues. And once brushed and knocked over there was a good chance of the kinda fragile wings popping off. Overall not great. How can this be fixed?
Well, thank Blood Bowl! With the introduction of the slotted 32mm base, now all kinds of older figures now can find stability in the later years, starting with the Swooping Hawks. A careful bit of surgery to get the older bases off and a small amount of green stuff to fill in the holes and the Hawks live in less fear of falling over.
Such a small change made a big difference. Next up, we fix the bane of Eldar Grav-Tanks: The flying stands!

Praise Be To Nuffle!
And Really Sharp X-actos.