The weaker party first...
In essence, the objectives are based around killing stuff. I've given plenty of upgrades and ploys to facilitate that. I loved "mischievious spirits" and wish I could find room for it in my ork deck, but they've already got earthquake which fufills a similar task, so these guys (who care as much about objectives as the orks do) get it instead. Great way to mess with your opponents best laid plans in a final activation.
I had to revisit this deck as my friend pointed out that the warband specific deck came with killing the enemy leader with the hound, and saving the enemy leader till last... and I had added in victorious dual to score if my leader killed their leader. Aside from multiplayer games I am not gonna score more than two of those at best, probably one in a pinch, so I tweaked it. My leader gets to claim that particular skull... hopefully...
I upgraded the hound a bit. Basically nothing gets in his way, they can't push him away, and he can push people around... using his faster legs to drag enemies back into range of the slower moving party members.
I've given a couple upgrades to my head hunting leader...
Zharkus had some nice upgrades too so they both went in... and the next few can go on pretty much anyone. I am more likely to bolster either of the above, but it's nice to know that if push comes to shove Ghartok can have something too...
I then have ploys to protect my fighters...
Ploys to avenge my fighters...
Plus a final few miscellaneous cards to round out the deck.
I'm not gonna lie, these guys have had less thought put into them, but I'll play a few games with them and see how things develop. I wasn't a fan of Steelheart and his pair at first, but after building the deck, playing the game, tweaking it... they're growing on me. Perhaps the same will happen for khorne too. But thus far they've been victims of the release schedule... there's always new stuff I want to try, whether a new warband or a tweaked ork deck, and the khornate loonies haven't been played nearly as much as any other warband. But if this is the final of the 8 planned, at least for a while, they will have their day in the sun. Well, in the shade...