Today I wanted to introduce you to a new venture that I have decided to embark upon, a blog called UK 40k Tournaments

I frequently get asked where I find out about the tournaments that I attend and write about on the blog. Most of these come from Facebook or from speaking to other gamers and bloggers, but finding out about them can be quite random and just depends on whether they pop up in your feed. 

I decided to try and put together a resource for gamers in the UK to find out about events that are occurring across the country, so I made a new blog, UK 40k Tournaments

If you are a budding tournament novice or a seasoned tournament veteran, please check out the site and let me know what you think. I am hoping to grow this as a site that players will look to to find out about events in their area and provide links and information on the events.

One of the features of the blog I want to highlight is the tournament map section. This highlights all of the tournaments listed on the blog and gives you a quick way to find any events in your area. 

With that in mind, I'm asking readers and other bloggers to help me spread information on the new blog. Encourage your local TO to get in touch to provide information on their events. If you have any details on an event that you are attending, please let me know so that I can update it. 

If you have any suggestions on the format of the site, or what you would like to see, please let me know. You can contact me at