Thought I'd try something new on the blog today. I made a video review for the new Deathwatch codex. 

Don't worry, I'll still be doing my written reviews for the codex, the first part of which published today. If you are interested, take a look at the videos and see if you like them. I'll be looking for feedback on them as I move forward. 

In particular, I have a few questions about the video:
  • Was the sound quality good enough? 
  • Was the content interesting? Were there any parts you liked or didn't like?
  • Was it too long?
  • Were the visuals interesting enough to keep you engaged?
  • What videos would you like to see on the blog in the future? 
I hope to do more videos in the future, maybe even branching into video battle reports at some point. Don't worry, the written reports aren't going anywhere. I've actually just made a purchase that should help with the battle reports in the future. I'm hoping to find a way to incorporate the maps into a video report to give a clearer picture of the game. 

Also, if anyone has any experience of uploading phone videos to Youtube, I'd be interested to hear. The first 30 minute video took about 2 hours to load! I don't know if it is the format used or my internet connection (which is normally really good), but would like it to be much faster in the future.

Deathwatch Codex Review