From the darkest depths within the black gunship a behemoth began its descent down the adamantium studded armored gangplank. The dreadnaught stooped over to fit through the opening and towered high as the gigantic machine emerged into the brilliant sunlight. It’s black armored plates were stark and utterly devoid of any heraldry except for the insignia of a red double armed cross fashioned from rubies encrusted into the left chest plate and the ancient Terran script "Iounus" forged across the top of its massive helm. One arm terminated into a cyclonic melta lance while the other a dreadnaught melee fist clutching a massive double edged black sword. The sword was so dark it seemed to absorb the light around it distorting close range spacial recognition. Both blades had monocular fractal edges so very very sharp they cut the air. A pair of twin linked assault cannons were mounted on top of the left shoulder. Its boots thundered against the gangplank and clouds of dust erupted from the cobbled stone as the Imperial dreadnaught took its first step back on Terra again. Holding the black sword high the dreadnaught cut the sign of the Aquila then stood still waiting.