This is the last of the minis for wave one finished up!  Woot!

Oh... I still have a dozen or so doors... but they are pretty close!

The good Doctor is an evolution of the science techie uniforms with the addition of some cobbled together extra mechanical arms.  His coveralls are more green than the techies but they are otherwise pretty similar,

The Koris Mercenary Inkurphos came without a character card due to a snafu.  The card will be included in wave 2.  He reminded my of the Vegepygmies from the old AD&D 1e module "White Plume Mountain"  so I went with some organic colors.  Mostly the Red Hair Triad from Reaper and some Sewer Water Wash from Secret Weapon (SW).
 The Organic Data Storage Unit X-02-A looks like its plant based but it reminded me of the floating jelly fish race from Mass Effect so I went a more electric direction with color.  This is mostly a wash with some artist inks and a bit of pure white added to the inks for layering.  There are some Verdigris (SW) tentacle/conduit things with a wash of Algae (SW).
 Enforcer ES-345 Code Name: Monarch.

I haven't really decided on a color direction for the Enforcers and, rather than agonize over it, I decided to paint an advanced adaptive camouflage system in action.

He's engaged the system and the suit has taken on the characteristics and colors of the floor.  The color stripe patterns are similar.

This ends up with a guy with a super cool advanced stealth capability... and saves me deciding what the overall faction will look like.  Bonus!
 The Star Saga KS incarnation of Blaine.

I started out doing him in a metallic armor but it was so drab looking... so I swapped into a grey and red scheme that I liked from an old Witch Hunter project.  Bounty Hunter... Witch Hunter... there's a theme there somewhere...

The gun is covered in a greenish trophy head.  No idea what that critter is but I reckon it'll be a green gator-y sort of beastie when it eventually surfaces.
 The Doctor in drab interacts with the electric jellyfish guy... 
Wrath... done in "Not Black" ninja style with a power sword.  The "Not Black" is several layers of Amethyst Wash (SW) over the khaki base coat. 

The sword remains a wicked problem that, even though straitened with the hot water method, continues to move towards the bent position it arrived here in.  I may eventually pin it with a needle but, for now, I simply chuckle when I think that his code name "Wrath" might just be all about being provided with such low quality weapons.