This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch take on Dean's T'au in the Contact Lost maelstrom of war mission. 

I've been quite enjoying having my Deathwatch back on the table in 8th edition, thanks to the recently released codex giving them a new lease of life on the tabletop. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master- Guardian Spear, Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait (WM)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Tome of Ectoclades Relic (WC1)
Kill Team 1- 9 Veterans and 1 Terminator, Storm Bolters, Chainswords, Power Fist on Terminator (KT1)
Kill Team 2- 10 Veterans, Storm Bolters, Chainswords, 2 Combi-meltas (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans with 5 Stalker Pattern Bolters (KT3)
Redemptor Dreadnought- Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer, 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Redemptor Fist (RD)
5 Bikers- Twin Bolters (B)

Battalion Detachment
Watch Captain- Power Sword, MC Bolter (WC2)
Librarian- Jump Pack, Force Sword, Bolt Pistol, Might of Heroes, Veil of Time (L)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, Bolters, Chainswords (KT4)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, Bolters, Chainswords (KT5)
Kill Team 6- 5 Veterans, 5 Shotguns, Storm Shield (KT6)
Kill Team 7- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons, Bolters, Chainswords (KT7)
Rhino- 2 Storm Bolters (R1)
Rhino- 2 Storm Bolters (R2)

I went for a good mix of Veteran Kill Teams, as well as a borrowed Redemptor Dreadnought from my Dark Angels army. I think two Battalions is the way to go with Deathwatch. They need a good number of command points to use their stratagems, and they have solid troops choices to make going for lots of Troops options more than worthwhile.

Dean's army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (T'apos'au Sept)
Cadre Fireblade- Markerlight (CF)
Commander Shadowsun- Fusion Blaster (S)
10 Kroot- Kroot rifles (K)
6 Strike Team- Pulse Rifles, Markerlight (ST1)
6 Strike Team- Pulse Rifles, Markerlight (ST2)
Riptide- Ion Accelerator, 2 Plasma Rifles, Drone Controller, Target Lock (R)
3 Stealth Suits- Burst Cannons (SS)
3 Crisis Suits- 2 Shield Drones, 2 Plasma Rifles each (CS1)
4 Shield Drones (SD)
2 Broadsides- Heavy Rail Rifle, 2 Smart Missile Systems, Target Lock (B1)
Broadside- 2 High-yield Missile Pods, 2 Smart Missile Systems, Target Lock (B2)

Outrider Detachment (T'apos'au Sept)
Commander- Coldstar Battlesuit. 3 Fusion Blasters, Shield Generator, Vectored manoeuvring thrusters (C)
3 Crisis Suits- 2 Fusion Blasters each, 2 Shield Drones (CS2)
6 Pathfinders- Markerlights (P1)
5 Marker Drones (MD)
Piranha- 2 Gun Drones, Burst Cannon (P2)

A good mix of T'au units, with a lot of markerlights and Battlesuits.

In this mission, were using using the Contact Lost mission with the Frontline Assault deployment zone. This was the standard maelstrom mission, with 3 cards per turn.

We set up the objectives as shown below:

We then deployed our forces.

I put the two Kill Teams with Missile Launchers in the ruins on the left flank, with the Watch Master beside them to provide re-rolls to hit. On the right, the Stalker Bolter Kill Team went in the ruins, with the two Rhinos beside them (the Shotgun Kill Team in one and the Frag Cannon Kill Team in another, accompanied by a Watch Captain). The Biker went in the centre, ready to advance. I then spent three command points to put the Dreadnought and two Storm Bolter Kill Teams in the Teleportarium, the Librarian and second Watch Captain joining them thanks to their Jump Packs.

Dean put one Strike Team and the Piranha on the right flank, the other Strike Team and Cadre Fireblade on the left flank. He castled the bulk of his forces in the centre, clustered around the ruins. One of the Crisis Teams and the Coldstar Commander went into reserve. The Stealth Suits ventured out into the ruins on the left flank.

I finished deploying first and won the roll off for first turn. Dean failed to seize the initiative and I took the first turn.

In my first turn, I drew Secure Objective 4, No Prisoners and Priority Orders Received (Defend Objective 1). For my Mission Tactics, I chose Elites, thanks to the number of battlesuits on the table.

The Watch Captain and Shotgun Kill Team disembarked from the Rhino, moving up on the Stealth Team. The other Rhino moved up, using its Smoke Launchers to obscure it from the enemy guns. The Bikers moved up the centre of the battlefield, racing towards the Tau lines.

In the shooting phase, the Kill Team turned their Shotguns on the Stealth Suits, but failed to do any damage thanks to the Tau battlesuits' boosted cover save. The Captain also failed to do any damage to the enemy unit.

The Stalker Bolter Kill Team fired at the Stealth Suits with their Vengeance rounds, killing two of the squad.

On the left flank, the first Kill Team fired their Missile Launchers at the Riptide, the Bolters going into the Kroot. One of the Krak Missiles got through, wounding the large battlesuit and taking 5 damage from it. The other Kill Team fired its missiles at the Riptide, wounding twice, but failed to get past its invulnerable save.

The Rhino fired at the Kroot, killing two with its Storm Bolters. The Bikers fired at the Broadside Suit with their Hellfire shells, wounding 8 times, two of which got through.

In the charge phase, the Shotgun Kill Team assaulted the last of the Stealth Suits, rolling a double 2 and failing the 5" charge. I used a command point re-roll, but turned the 2 into a 1 to fail the charge. Fortunately, the Captain made it in to combat, but did take a couple of wounds to the overwatch fire of the Tau. The Bikers charged the Drones and Broadside. The Pathfinders added their firepower to the overwatch fire, but failed to do any damage. Shadowsun fired overwatch at the Bikers, missing. Dean used a command point re-roll, but the second shot also missed.

The Bikers struck at the Drones, killing only two of the unit. The Captain was able to kill the last of the Stealth Suits. The Tau attacked back, but failed to do any damage to the Deathwatch.

At the end of my turn, I scored First Blood, Secure Objective 4 and No Prisoners. I discarded Priority Orders Received.

In his first turn, Dean drew Overwhelming Firepower, Domination and Patient Hunter (kill a unit in the Tau deployment zone).

The Broadside and Drones fell back from combat, the Crisis Team and Kroot moving up to support them. The Strike Teams spread out to stop the Deathwatch from arriving behind their lines.

Shadowsun declared Kauyon, granting all nearby units re-rolls to hit. The Riptide used the Branched Nova Charge stratagem to boost its invulnerable save and overcharge the main gun. He also used the Automated Repair Systems stratagem to heal 2 wounds on the damaged Riptide.

In the shooting phase, the Broadsides fired at the Bikers, scoring 3 hits with the use of one command point re-roll. He wounded three times and rolled a triple 6 for damage, obliterating three Bikers. Shadowsun and the Pathfinders opened fire on the Bikers, killing the last of the squad.

The Kroot fired their Rifles at the Rhino, but failed to do any damage. The Crisis Suits opened fire on the Captain, hitting and wounding him three times. I failed two saves, using a command point re-roll to pass one (I also got to keep the command point).

The Riptide fired at the front Missile Launcher Kill Team, killing two of the squad.

At the end of turn, Dean scored Overwhelming Firepower and Patient Hunter. He discarded Domination.

Deathwatch- 3
Tau- 2

A pretty even turn all round. The Deathwatch had started strong to score a number of points and damage the enemy units. The Tau firepower had not been as disastrous as it could have been, only taking out the Bikers.

In my turn, I drew Defend Objective 4, Advance and Big Game Hunter. I was going to be hard pressed to score any of them quickly, so I used 2 CP to discard Advance and drew Overwhelming Firepower.

The Kill Team in the Rhino disembarked and advanced on the Strike Squad, hoping to use the Frag Cannons to eliminate the threat. The Rhino and Captain moved up on the Crisis Suits, while the Shotgun Veterans moved into cover behind them.

At the end of the phase, the Combi-Melta Kill Team arrived, landing on the left flank to target the Tau elements there. The Redemptor Dreadnought also landed behind the Rhino on the right flank.

In the shooting phase, the Stalker Marines fired on the Kroot, killing 6 of the squad, the nearby Rhino killing another one. The Shotgun Kill Team fired at the Crisis Suits, but only managed to kill a single drone. The Captain fired at the last of the Kroot, hitting but failing to wound. 

On the right flank, the Deathwatch turned their Frag Cannons on the Strike Squad, obliterating them in a hail of fire. 

The first Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Riptide, hitting and wounding twice, but Dean made both invulnerable saves once more. The second Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Broadsides, but this time the Shield Drone blocked both the wounds once more! 

The Redemptor Dreadnought fired at the Broadside on the right, killing four of the nearby Drones in total. 

On the left flank, the newly arrived Kill Team used the Doctrine to give them +1 to wound on fast attack units. The three with Combi-Meltas targeted the Piranha. However, I only scored one hit in three, even with a command point re-roll. The shot hit and wounded, but I only rolled a 1 for damage. This was a pathetic volley from the Meltaguns. 

The Storm Bolters split their fire between the Kroot and Strike Squad, wiping out both squads. 

In the charge phase, the Rhino charged the Crisis Suits. Despite hitting on a 5+, he only scored two hits with the Plasma Rifles and failed to wound. The Captain also charged. The Redemptor Dreadnought tried to charge, but failed the 8" charge, even with a command point re-roll. The Kill Team managed to charge the Piranha.  

In the fight phase, the Captain struck at the Crisis Suits, only wounding once, which was saved by a Drone. The Kill Team attacked the Piranha, managing to wound it twice. 

The Crisis Suits struck back at the Captain, wounding him once. 

At the end of my turn, I scored 1 point for the D3 roll for Overwhelming Firepower. I also discarded Big Game Hunter. The way the Riptide was rolling its invulnerable saves, I was unlikely to do much damage to it. 

In his second turn, Dean drew Mission Critical Objective (objective 3), Advance and Defend Objective 6. 

The Crisis Suits fell back from combat with the Deathwatch, as did the Piranha. The Riptide moved over to support the Tau lines against the enemy incursion. 

At the end of the phase, the Commander and second Crisis Team landed behind the Dreadnought on the left flank. 

The Riptide used the Nova Charge stratagem to boost its save and main gun once more, also using the Repair stratagem to heal one wound. 

In the shooting phase, the Piranha fired on the Kill Team it was in combat with, killing one. 

The Cadre Fireblade fired on the Kill Team in front of him, only managing one hit in three (on a 2+), but managing to kill one. The Redemptor Dreadnought was hit with two markerlights. The Pathfinders targeted the Rhino, getting one markerlight on it. I assumed Dean would target the Dreadnought with more markerlights, so was waiting to use my Targeting Scramblers stratagem to remove them. However, he did not, so the chance was wasted. 

Commander Shadowsun fired at the Rhino, taking 7 damage from it. The Riptide fired at the Rhino and Dreadnought, failing to damage the Rhino, but taking 8 wounds from the Redemptor with the use of one command point re-roll. 

The Broadsides fired at the Redemptor, hitting and wounding once. The shot got through its armour, doing 6 damage and destroying it. The Smart Missile Systems fired at the Shotgun Kill Team in the ruins, killing one of the squad. 

The other Broadside unit fired at the Rhino and the Shotgun Veterans, destroying the vehicle and killing two more of the Deathwatch Veterans. The Crisis Suits fired at the Captain, leaving him on a single wound. 

The Commander fired at the Frag Cannon Kill Team, killing 3 and leaving a single member left. 

At the end of his turn, Dean scored Mission Critical Objective and discarded Advance. I also scored Defend Objective 4. 

Deathwatch- 6
Tau- 3

In my third turn, I drew Scour the Skies, Secure Objective 1 and Master the Warp. For the Tome of Ectoclades, I selected Heavy Support. 

On the left flank, the Kill Team moved up on the Broadsides, while the Shotgun Kill Team and Captain moved up on the Pathfinders. The lone Frag Cannon Marine moved up on the Crisis Suits. 

At the end of the phase, the Captain landed besides the Kill Team on the left. The second Storm Bolter Kill Team and Librarian landed on the right flank, between the Crisis Suits and Cadre Fireblade. 

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Smite, putting two wounds on the Fireblade. He then cast Veil of Time on himself. 

In the shooting phase, the lone Frag Cannon Marine turned his weapon on the Crisis Suits. However, I rolled snake eyes on the 2D6 shots, only doing a single wound on the Battlesuits. 

The newly arrived Kill Team targeted the Crisis Suits with Hellfire Shells (2+ to wound). The squad managed a great 23 wounds, killing the Drones and two of the Suits. The Stalker Marines targeted the last member of the squad, killing him. 

The Shotgun Veterans fired at the Pathfinders, killing three of the squad. The nearby Captain added his firepower, but the shot was saved. 

The Kill Team on the left fired their Vengeance Shells at the Broadsides, killing one Drone and one Battlesuit. The three Meltaguns fired, only managing a single hit and killing the last Drone. 

The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Piranha, destroying it. The second Kill Team fired their Missile at the Riptide, but both shots missed, even with the Watch Master's re-rolls. 

The Librarian tried to charge the Cadre Fireblade, but failed, even with his re-roll. The lone Frag Cannon Marine charged the Fireblade. On the left, the Kill Team assaulted the Broadside, losing one to overwatch fire. The Jump Pack Captain charged as well, with one command point re-roll. The Shotgun Kill Team and Captain assaulted Shadowsun. 

The lone Veteran attacked the Fireblade, wounding him once. On the other side of the field, the Kill Team attacked the Broadside, wounding it twice, they then consolidated around the Battlesuit to lock it in combat. The Captain managed to do another wound on the Battlesuit. The Captain struck at Shadowsun, wounding him once.

The Cadre Fireblade struck back at the Veteran, killing him. The Broadsides and Shadowsun attacked the Deathwatch, but failed to do any damage. 

The Pathfinders rolled a 6 for their morale test, passing thanks to their Bonding Knife. At the end of my turn, I scored Scour the Skies and Master the Warp. I discarded Secure Objective 1. 

In his third turn, Dean drew Area Denial, Psychological Warfare and Defend Objective 6. 

The Coldstar Commander moved up to secure the objective, while the Riptide moved over to the other flank. Shadowsun also fell back from combat. 

The Commander fired on the Rhino, hitting twice, but failing to wound. The Pathfinders fired at the Shotgun Veterans, killing two of the squad. Shadowsun was unable to target the Captain, as the Kill Team in combat with the Broadsides were closer. 

The other Broadside fired at the Captain, slaying him finally. The Crisis Suits fired at the Veterans on the right, killing five of them. The Riptide fired at the squad, killing three more of the squad. 

In the fight phase, the Broadside failed to do any damage to the Veterans. The Kill Team struck at the Battlesuit, destroying it. 

At the end of the turn, Dean scored 2 points for Area Denial and discarded Psychological Warfare. 

Deathwatch- 8
Tau- 5

In my fourth turn, I drew Defend Objective 3, Behind Enemy Lines and Psychological Warfare. For the Tome of Ectoclades, I changed to the Elites choice. 

The Kill Team and Captain moved up on the Riptide. The Rhino moved up on the objective held by the Coldstar Commander. The Librarian and lone Terminator moved up on the Crisis Team. 

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Smite, killing one Crisis Suit. The Librarian then cast Might of Heroes on himself. 

The Kill Team next to the Riptide fired at it with their Hellfire Shells, wounding it 15 times. Dean only failed a single save though! The Meltaguns fired, wounding twice. One shot got through its save, doing 4 damage to the mighty Battlesuit. 

The Captain threw a grenade at Shadowsun, wounding her once. The Terminator fired at the Crisis Suits, killing one with its Vengeance shells. 

The Stalker Marines fired at the Coldstar Commander, wounding him four times. The Watch Master then fired at the Commander and was able to kill him. 

The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Riptide, wounding twice, but both shots were saved. The second Kill Team fired Frag Missiles at the Pathfinders (there was nothing else in range), killing the squad. 

In the charge phase, the Terminator charged the Crisis Suit, taking one wound in overwatch. The Librarian attempted to charge, but rolled a double 1! I used my last command point to make the charge.
The Kill Team on the left flank declared a multi-charge on the Broadside, Drones and Shadowsun. The overwatch fire of the Riptide killed two of the Veterans as they assaulted. The Captain then assaulted Commander Shadowsun.

The Librarian struck at the Crisis Suits, only managing to hit with one of his four attacks, and subsequently failing to wound. The Terminator scored one hit and one wound (with one command point re-roll that I got to keep), killing a Drone.

The Veterans attacked, killing two of the drones. The Captain struck at Shadowsun, wounding her once.

The Tau forces struck back, but were unable to inflict any damage on the Deathwatch. In the morale phase, the Crisis Suit in combat with the Librarian and Terminator fled the field.

At the end of my turn, I scored one point on the D3 roll for Behind Enemy Lines and discarded Psychological Warfare.

This turn, Dean drew Secure Objective 5, Defend Objective 6 and Witch Hunter.

The Broadside and Shadowsun fell back from combat with the Deathwatch, before turning their guns on the enemy forces.

The Fireblade opened fire on the Terminator, wounding him twice and killing him. Shadowsun opened fire on the Deathwatch Captain, wounding him twice, with both wounds getting through his Iron Halo save. Dean's poor luck continued, as he only rolled a 3 on 2D6 damage, leaving the Captain alive.

The Riptide fired at the Veterans. The Ion Accelerator only managed four hits and a single wound after Dean rolled a double 1 to wound. Even worse, I made my 6+ armour save and the Veterans were unharmed.

At the end of his turn, Dean scored no points and I scored Defend Objective 3.

Deathwatch- 11
Tau- 5

In my fifth turn, I drew Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 3 and Defend Objective 6.

The Librarian and Veterans moved up on the Riptide, while the Captain went after Shadowsun.

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Smite on the Riptide, managing to cast it on an 11 and doing the full 6 wounds to the Battlesuit. He then failed to cast Might of Heroes.

In the shooting phase, the Kill Team fired on the Riptide with their Meltaguns, getting two hits with one command point re-roll. Both hits wounded and were able to take out the enemy construct.

The Stalker Marines fired on the Broadside, killing it with their Vengeance rounds. The two Missile Launcher Kill Teams fired on Commander Shadowsun, killing her in a hail of Krak Missile fire.

We decided to call the game there. I scored Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord and Secure Objective 3.

Deathwatch- 14
Tau- 5
End of the game.

A win for the Deathwatch. 

Thanks to Dean for a great game against the might of the Tau empire. 

This was a better showcase for the power of the Deathwatch army, as there were a good mix of enemy units that I could use my Special Issue Ammunition against. 

The Storm Bolter Kill Teams are pretty brutal. They have such a volume of firepower that they are able to take on most threats in an enemy army, outside of vehicles. 

I liked running the army with massed Veterans and a few support characters and vehicles. The Veteran squad is pretty strong in massed numbers, so I'll probably be trying this combination with the Deathwatch for a while. 

The Redemptor Dreadnought was a bit lacklustre in this game. My plan was to use him as a big distraction unit, forcing Dean to have to deal with him unless he wanted the Dreadnought running rampant among his lines. In that regard, I guess it did sort of work out. I just wish he could have done a bit more damage before being killed so easily in the following turn. I guess Dreads just don't survive too long against Tau guns. 

Most of the Veteran squads performed very well. When you get the Frag Cannons into range, they are very powerful, able to eliminate entire enemy squads with ease. The Stalker Bolter Marines were also pretty successful, able to be a long range threat to a number of enemy units. 

My initial impressions of the Deathwatch codex are pretty good at the moment. They will still struggle against massed enemy vehicles, but should do well against a range of armies they can face. 

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