This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch take on Tom's Ultramarines in a 2000 pts game. We were playing the Targets of Opportunity maelstrom of war mission. This is the mission with 3 cards per turn, and you only have a single turn in which to try and score the cards. 

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Watch Master- Guardian Spear, Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait (WM)
Watch Captain- Power Sword, Master Crafted Bolter, Tome of Ectoclades Relic (WC1)
Kill Team 1- 9 Veterans and 1 Terminator, Storm Bolters, Chainswords, Power Fist on Terminator (KT1)
10 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols (KT2)
Kill Team 3- 5 Veterans with 5 Stalker Pattern Bolters (KT3)
Kill Team 4- 5 Veterans with Bolters and Chainswords (KT4)
3 Bikers- Twin Bolters (B1)
3 Bikers- Twin Bolters (B2)

Battalion Detachment
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Relic Blade, MC Bolter (WC2)
Watch Captain- Xenophase Blade, Combi-Melta (WC3)
Kill Team 5- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, Bolters, Chainswords (KT5)
Kill Team 6- 5 Veterans, 2 Missile Launchers, Bolters, Chainswords (KT6)
Kill Team 7- 5 Veterans, 5 Shotguns, Storm Shield (KT7)
Kill Team 8- 5 Veterans, 2 Frag Cannons, Bolters, Chainswords, Storm Shield (KT8)
Rhino- 2 Storm Bolters (R1)
Rhino- 2 Storm Bolters (R2)
Razorback- Twin Lascannon, Storm Bolter (Rz)

Tom's army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain- Relic Blade, Plasma Pistol, Sanctic Halo (C)
Land Raider Excelsior- Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp, 2 Twin Lascannons, Storm Bolter (LR)
9 Scouts- Bolters (S1)
7 Scouts- Bolt Pistols, Combat Knives (S)
5 Scouts- Shotguns (S3)
3 Company Veterans- Meltagun, Bolters, Power Axe, Storm Shield (CV)
5 Sternguard Veterans- Special Issue Bolters (SV)

Battalion Detachment
Lieutenant- Teeth of Terra, Storm Bolter (L)
Techmarine- Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Servo-arm, Storm of Fire Warlord Trait. (T)
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters (TM1)
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Grav-gun (TM2)
5 Tactical Marines- Bolters, Heavy Bolter (TM3)
5 Vanguard Veterans- Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, Storm Shield, Power Fist, Pair Lightning Claws, Power Axe, Plasma Pistol (VV)
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought- Two Twin Autocannons (CD)
10 Devastators- Bolter, 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Plasma Cannons (D)
Razorback- Twin Assault Cannon (Rz)
Rhino- 2 Storm Bolters (R)

The army had 13 command points. Tom spent another command point to get an extra Relic for the Lieutenant. Tom had a good spread of unit, including quite a tough Land Raider, as well as a good mix of firepower and combat ability.

We set up the objectives as shown below:

We rolled up the Hammer and Anvil deployment zone and deployed our forces.

I deployed the Stalker Bolter Marines in the ruins to my right, with the Bikers deployed behind them. The Rhino with the Frag Cannons and one Captain went in front of them, out of line of sight. I put the second Rhino with the Shotgun Veterans in the centre, behind the Bastion.
I put the two Missile Launcher Kill Teams in the ruins to the right with another Captain, the Razorback and Bikers behind them.

I used three command points on the Teleportarium stratagem to put the Storm Bolter Kill Team, Intercessors and Watch Master in reserve.

Tom deployed his Scouts in a forward position in front of my lines. The Rhino with the Veterans and Vanguard Veterans went on his right flank, with a Tactical Squad in the ruins behind them. The Tactical Squad with Heavy Bolter went in the central ruins, with the Land Raider besides them.

The Sternguard and Dreadnought went on the left flank, with the Devastator squad beside them. The Razorback with the Tactical Squad and Lieutenant went on the left as well.

Despite Tom deploying first and getting +1, I won the roll off for first turn. Tom failed to seize the initiative, and I took the first turn.

In my first turn, I drew Defend Objective 1, Secure Objective 4 and Secure Objective 5. My Mission Tactics were Furor Tactics (Troops).

On the left flank, the Veterans disembarked from the Rhino and moved up on the Scouts in the ruins, the Bikers moving round to join them. The Captain moved behind the Rhino to give the Stalker Marines the benefit of his re-rolls.

On the right flank, the Shotgun Veterans also disembarked, moving up on the Scouts, the Rhino moving up to shadow them. The Bikers advanced on the Scouts to grab the objective. I was hoping my firepower would be enough to kill the Scouts and allow the Bikers to take the objective. The Razorback moved around the ruins to get line of sight on the enemy army.

The Kill Team turned their Frag Cannons on the Scouts, killing 5 of the squad. The Bolters of the squad managed to kill another 2 of the squad. The Stalker Bolter Marines fired at the other unit of Scouts in the ruins, killing four of them with their Hellfire Shells.

The Bikers on the left fired at the remaining Scouts, killing one squad.

On the right flank, the Shotgun Kill Team fired at the Scouts in front of them, killing two of the squad. The Rhino added its firepower, but failed to do any damage.

The Deathwatch Razorback fired its Lascannons at the enemy Razorback, getting 8 damage from 2 wounds for the use of a single command point from me. The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired its Missiles at the Razorback and Bolters at the Scouts. The Krak Missiles managed to destroy the enemy vehicle, while the Bolters killed one Scout. None of the passengers were harmed on disembarking.

I decided to fire the other Missile Launcher Kill Team at the Scouts. I needed to kill them to grab the objective, so put in all my firepower. The Bolters of the squad managed to take out the squad, wasting the Missile shots, but it was worth it.

In the charge phase, the Kill Team charged the lone Scout. The Deathwatch easily killed the Ultramarine, consolidating into the ruins.

At the end of my turn, I scored First Blood and Secure Objective 4 for 2 points.

In his first turn, Tom drew Defend Objective 6, Lightning Strike and No Mercy, No Respite.

On the left flank, the Tactical Squad and Lieutenant moved up on the Deathwatch Bikers. The Company Veterans and Vanguard Veterans moved up on the Kill Team in the ruins, the Rhino moving up to support them. The Captain moved up, as did the nearby Tactical Squad to grab an objective.

In the shooting phase, the Land Raider fired at the Deathwatch Razorback, destroying it utterly. The Grav-Cannon fired at the Bikers, killing one and wounding another.

The Sternguard used the Masterful Marksmanship stratagem and fired at the Shotgun Veterans, killing two of the squad (I used a command point re-roll to save one more). The Tactical Squad on the left fired on the Deathwatch Bikers, killing the squad with their firepower.

The central Tactical Squad fired at the Shotgun Kill Team. Tom used the Hellfire Shells stratagem on the Heavy Bolter, but failed to hit. The other Bolters did two wounds, but both were saved.

The Devastators fired at the Frag Cannon Kill Team. Both Plasma Cannons rolled a single shot, but both shots then missed. The Missile Launchers also failed to wound their target.

The Mortis Dreadnought fired at the Missile Launcher Kill Team, killing one of the squad.

In the charge phase, the Company Veterans and Vanguard Veterans assaulted the Kill Team in the ruins. The Frag Cannon fired at the Company Veterans, killing two of the squad.

Both units made it in to combat. The Power Fist Veteran managed one wound with one command point re-roll, but the Storm Shield blocked the attack. The rest of the squad managed to finish off the Deathwatch Veterans.

At the end of his turn, Tom scored three points for No Mercy, No Respite. I also scored Defend Objective 1.

Deathwatch- 4
Ultramarines- 3

In my second turn, I drew Secure Objective 3, Secure Objective 4 and Secure Objective 6. For the Tome of Ectoclades, I chose the Malleus Tactics (Heavy Support), the army Mission Tactics were Troops choices.

The Shotgun Veterans moved up on the Tactical Squad, while the Rhino moved around to grab the objective. The other Rhino moved up on the objective in the centre. The Bikers and Captain moved up on the Vanguard Veterans in the ruins.

At the end of my phase, the Deathwatch reserves came in. They landed behind the Sternguard and Dreadnoughts on the right flank. Tom used Auspex Scan when the Kill Team deployed to fire on them with the Sternguard. Tom only scored two hits, but wounded twice. I saved one shot with the Storm Shield, but the second one killed off the Veteran (even with a command point re-roll).

On the left flank, the Bikers fired at the Vanguard Veterans, wounding them 6 times. The Veterans with the Storm Shield blocked four of the wounds (with one command point re-roll), before succumbing and losing two Veterans from the squad.

The Captain and Stalker Bolter Marines fired at the Vanguard Veterans, killing one. The Rhino added its firepower, killing one more from the squad.

On the other flank, the Shotgun Veterans fired their shells at the Tactical Squad, scoring 15 hits with the Flamer rounds and 8 wounds. However, they failed to find a chink in the Ultramarines' armour and none fell.

The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired their Bolters at the Tactical Squad and the Missiles at the Dreadnought. The Missiles managed three damage with one command point re-roll, the Bolters killing one more Tactical Marine.

The reserves then opened fire. The Storm Bolter squad opened fire on the Sternguard with their Hellfire Shells, causing 28 wounds and obliterating the unit after some terrible saves from Tom.

The Intercessors then fired on the Dreadnought, using a Doctrine to give them +1 to wound. The volley was enough to kill off the enemy walker.

The second Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Land Raider and Tactical Squad, doing 2 wounds on the enemy vehicle and no damage to the Squad.

In the charge phase, the Captain on the left and Bikers assaulted the Ultramarine in the ruins, the Captain having to use a command point re-roll to make it in. The Captain only managed a single wound, but the Storm Shield of the Sergeant blocked the attack. The Bikers were able to kill off one of the Veterans.

The Veterans attacked back, putting 2 wounds on the Captain.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 3 and Secure Objective 4. Tom also scored Defend Objective 6.

In his second turn, Tom drew Priority Orders Received (Secure Objective 4), Big Game Hunter and Blood and Guts.

The Tactical Squad moved up on the Shotgun Marines, while the Techmarine Warlord moved to shield himself with the bulk of the Land Raider. The Rhino moved up on the Stalker Marines, while the Captain moved up into the ruins. The Tactical Squad on the right moved out of  the cover of the ruins to support their battle brothers on the left.

In the shooting phase, the Tactical Squad opened fire on the Shotgun Veterans and Missile Launcher Kill Team, killing one from each squad.

The central Tactical Squad fired on the Shotgun Veterans, wounding three times, but no Deathwatch fell. The Rhino fired its Storm Bolters on the Stalker Marines, but failed to do any damage.

The Devastators split their fire between the Kill Team and Intercessors. The Plasma Cannons killed three of the Intercessors, while the Missile Launcher killed one more. The Bolters failed to harm the Kill Team.

The Land Raider fired at the Missile Launcher Kill Team in my deployment zone, hitting and wounding twice, but I made both armour saves!

In the charge phase, the Captain assaulted the Bikers, while the Tactical Squad and Lieutenant charged the Shotgun Veterans, losing one Ultramarine to the overwatch fire.

The Captain struck at the Bikers, wounding them three times and wiping out the squad (using one command point re-roll to do so). The Lieutenant attacked the Veterans with the Teeth of Terra, wiping out the squad.

The Veteran Sergeant attacked the Deathwatch Captain, wounding him once. The Watch Captain then cut down the last Veteran.

At the end of his turn, Tom scored Blood and Guts.

Deathwatch- 6
Ultramarines- 6

At the end of turn 2, we were even on points score. Both sides had suffered casualties, but I think the Ultramarines were in the more dangerous position, losing a lot of their numbers to the Deathwatch reserves.

In my third turn, I drew Kingslayer, Assassinate and Blood and Guts. With the scores so close, I spent 2 command points to ditch Kingslayer and redrew Advance. Not a great hand this turn. For the Mission Tactics, I used the stratagem to change to the Heavy Support Tactics (keeping my command point), while for the Tome of Ectoclades, I changed to Troops.

My best bet this turn was to go after the Lieutenant or Captain and try to slay them in combat to score some points. The change in Chapter Tactics would allow my squads in the enemy deployment zone to go after the Devastators, while my Missile Launcher Kill Teams could target the Tactical Squad close to my lines.

The Kill Team, Intercessors and Watch Master moved up on the enemy forces. The Rhino moved up on the Ultramarines lines, while the Captain moved up on the enemy Captain. Finally, I brought in the Jump Pack Captain, landing near the enemy Rhino and Captain to try and kill the enemy character off.

In the shooting phase, the Captain fired his Combi-Melta at the enemy Captain, hitting and wounding, but failed to get past his invulnerable save. The other Watch Captain fired his Master-crafted Bolter at the Ultramarines Captain, wounding him once and taking two damage, after Tom used his last command point to try and block it.

The Stalker Bolter Marines fired at the central Tactical Squad, killing three of the Marines. The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Tactical Squad in front of them, but failed to do any damage.

The Storm Bolter Kill Team fired at the Devastators, causing 29 wounds with their Hellfire Bolts and killing 5 of the squad. The Intercessors added their firepower, wiping out the rest of the Devastators.

In the backfield, the Watch Captain and other Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Tactical Squad, killing three in total.

In the charge phase, the Captain with the Xenophase Blade assaulted the Ultramarines Captain. The Jump Pack Captain attempted to charge, but I rolled a double 1 for the charge distance.

On the other side of the field, the opposite happened. The Storm Bolter Veterans managed to get a 12" charge on the enemy Techmarine.

The Captain used the Doctrine to help him wound the enemy character. He hit and wounding 4 times (without needing the Doctrine's +1 in the end!), two of which got past his invulnerable save.

The Veterans struck at the Techmarine, wounding him 8 times, but only one got past his armour. The consolidated into the Land Raider to stop it from firing in the following turn.

The Techmarine and Land Raider attacked back, killing one Deathwatch Veteran each. The Ultramarines Captain struck at the Deathwatch Captain, wounding him four times. I passed three invulnerable saves, using a command point re-roll to pass the fourth save.

At the end of my turn, I scored no maelstrom points.

In his third turn, Tom drew Domination, Secure Objective 5 and the Emperor's Retribution.

The Land Raider fell back from combat, the Techmarine was surrounded and forced to stay locked in combat. The Rhino moved up on the Jump Pack Captain, while the lone Tactical Marine and Lieutenant moved up on the Deathwatch lines.

The other two Tactical Squads moved up on the Deathwatch in their own deployment zone.

Both Tactical Squads fired on the Intercessors, causing one wound. The Techmarine fired his pistol at the Veterans, killing one.

The Rhino fired at the Captain, wounding him once. The Ultramarines Captain overcharged his Plasma Pistol and fired at the Deathwatch Captain he was in combat with, slaying him.

In the charge phase, the two Tactical Squads charged the Veterans in combat with the Techmarine. The Lieutenant and Tactical Squad Sergeant assaulted the Captain, while the Rhino charged the Watch Captain.

The Lieutenant attacked the Watch Captain with the Teeth of Terra, wounding him four times, the Captain taking two of the wounds.

I used my last two command points to interrupt and attack with the Storm Bolter Veterans on the Tactical Squads that had charged in, wounding 5 times, but failing to fell a single Ultramarine.

The Sergeant and Rhino attacked the two Captains, but failed to do any damage. The Tactical Squads and Techmarine attacked the Deathwatch Veterans, killing one in total.

My Watch Captain attacked the Lieutenant, only causing one wound on him, while the other Captain managed to take 6 wounds from the Rhino with his Relic Blade.

At the end of his turn, Tom scored Secure Objective 5. I should have gone after the lone Sergeant with my Captain to score Blood and Guts, forgetting I could score this in the enemy turn.

Deathwatch- 6
Ultramarines- 7

In my turn, I drew Hold the Line, Secure Objective 2 and Psychological Warfare. The scores were close, so I would need to try and score at least a couple of cards in this turn. I changed the Tome Mission Tactics to HQ.

The Kill Team fell back from combat, as the Watch Master and Intercessors moved up to support them. The Captain fell back from combat with the Lieutenant to allow his troops to fire on the enemy warriors. I decided to keep the other Captain in combat. He might have been able to finish off the Rhino. If I fell back, I could only shoot, not charge in again. The Rhino moved up on the objective.

In the shooting phase, the Stalker Marines fired on the Tactical Marine on the right, killing him. The Missile Launcher Kill Team fired at the Lieutenant, wounding him twice, but he made both armour saves.

The other Missile Laucher Kill Team fired at him, the Bolter causing two wounds. One of the Krak Missiles hit. I rolled a 1 to wound, but got a re-roll from my Mission Tactics. I despaired as I rolled another 1 and the Lieutenant was unharmed. I really needed him to die to score Hold the Line.

The Intercessors split their fire between the two Tactical Squads, killing two in one and one in the other.

In the charge phase, the two Kill Teams assaulted the Lieutenant. The Watch Master and Intercessors charged the Tactical Squad.

The Kill Teams attacked the Lieutenant and were able to bring him down with their massed attacks. The Watch Master was able to finish off one of the Tactical Squads. The Watch Captain then struck at the Rhino, taking two wounds from it.

The Techmarine struck at the Intercessors (who had consolidated into him), killing one of them.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 2 and Hold the Line.

In his fourth turn, Tom drew Kingslayer, Assassinate and For the Emperor.

The Captain moved up on the Deathwatch Captain in combat with the Rhino, while the Techmarine was locked in combat with the Intercessors.

The Land Raider fired at the Storm Bolter Kill Team, killing three of the squad.

The Captain charged the Deathwatch Captain, hitting him and wounding three times. I failed one save and the Captain took 1 damage.

The Techmarine struck at the Intercessors, killing one. The Watch Master then attacked the Techmarine, killing him. My Watch Captain struck at the enemy Captain, but failed to do any damage.

At the end of his turn, Tom scored For the Emperor. I also scored Slay the Warlord.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time and had to call the game there.

Deathwatch- 10
Ultramarines- 8

A narrow win for the Deathwatch.

Thanks to Tom for a really tough game, it was just a shame it couldn't go the full distance.

After my second turn, both Tom and I thought the game was essentially over. My reserves had arrived and taken a heavy toll on his army, as well as the other units in my army causing a fair bit of damage.

However, Tom kept playing on and the maelstrom cards gave and took away for both players, meaning the game was a lot closer than it looked. That is one of the joys of maelstrom missions for me, as even a seemingly losing position can be turned around with a good hand of cards for you, or a bad round of cards for your opponent.

I'm really liking the new Deathwatch codex at the moment. It gives them a lot of powerful stratagems and combinations to be a big threat to the enemy army.

There's not a lot I would change in this game. You need to go after the maelstrom cards hard each turn, as you know you only have a single turn in which to score them. This was shown when I advanced the Bikers on the objective on turn 1, and used the firepower of my Missile Launcher Kill Team to take out the enemy Scouts to score the objective, rather than going after a more prime vehicle target with them.

I hope you enjoyed the battle report, the next game will see my Deathwatch take on the forces of the Aeldari.