Quick hit today - After muddying up the tracks on the three tanks for the Dark Angels force, I figured I'd better go back and give the Termites the same treatment so everything matches!

As the Termites are supposed to be tunneling up from below, I tried to focus the mud and crud towards the front of the models, and running down along the track sections to the rear. Didn't want to go TOO overboard, but they're definitely dirtier than the tanks!

I was initially suspicious of the texture paints but after giving them some further drybrushing and washes I have to admit I'm really digging the outcome. Definitely will be adding them to my repertoire in the future!

A little spreadsheet porn to round things off. With these being done, everything intended for use at NOVA coming up at the end of August is complete! All that remains is one final Land Raider, which I couldn't fit into any of the lists points-wise. Now the conundrum - Do I press on and finish off the last lone tank and call the force complete, or do I move on to some other project? Gotta admit I'm getting army fatigue painting Dark Angels, it might be time to delve back into the Underhive and paint up the glut of Necromunda miniatures that have been crowding the 'to be painted' shelf...