It seems that motivation has hit me hard this week. After weeks of not doing much at all, I appear to have my new Consul nearly painted in no time at all!

I just have a few details left to finish on him, like the Crystals/ Phosphex Bombs on his chest and a little more highlighting, then he'll be done.
Background-wise I've decided that he's called Mal Mephret, a powerful Telepath whose skills have proven useful in guiding subterranean assaults towards their target, allowing for some ruthlessly efficient attacks using Termite Assault Drills.
In-game it'll be nice to be able to deploy a psyker up close and personal on turn one in order to dish out a Psychic Scream whilst his Breachers get on with the task of reducing the nearest vehicle to molten slag using their Meltaguns!

I'm pretty happy with the way he's turned out and he'll bring my total of painted Thousand Sons up to roughly 1800 points. That combined with the Quad Mortars which I've recently repainted takes me to well over halfway through my current 3000 point list, so things are shaping up quite nicely.

Hopefully I'll be able to paint up some crew for my Mortars next, as I need to do them for my two week hobby challenge, then I can move on to more important and interesting projects.

Randomly, I've also started working on this guy:

I bought the Sigvald model last year for a Lucius conversion, but never actually used him in the end. I found it abandoned in my bits box so I decided to base him up.

I'm not actually sure what I'll use him for yet, but I'm sure I'll find something. He's most likely to end up being used as the Masque for my Daemonettes. I've also been tempted to try Age of Sigmar recently though, so he might end up just being a Slaaneshi Lord. I'll have to see. I've got to try not to get too distracted though.

Hopefully this productive streak continues and I'll post more soon!