It's been far too hot to really get much hobby done recently. With a massive heatwave ungulfing the UK atm, it's been a struggle for me to do much at all, let alone sit down and get some hobby done.

Then last week Forge World managed to spur me into action by finally dropping the long awaited 30k FAQ. It's given the game quite a shake up and forced me to change my plans for my Thousand Sons a little. That's not a problem though, as it gave me an excuse to make myself a new Consul:

He's going to be used as a Siege Breaker to accompany a unit of Breachers in a Termite.

He was a surprisingly quick and easy build. I used the Cassius model from the Overkill box as a base and added a boarding shield which I've been meaning to use for years now and that was it, apart from turning his pistol into a compact Combi-Plasma.

I'm really pleased with the result and hopefully signals the end of my heat-induced hobby funk. 

Next up is painting him, along with hopefully pulling together that Necromunda post I promised you guys!