Finally I finished the inside of Vaangians body box. Most of the panels have been done for some time and what was missing was the interior paint job of the box, which I could not finish until I finished the outside (which is also done). I am happy with the look. The chevrons on the edges of the box indicates that the top of the carapace armor can be removed for maintenance of the reactors and internal stuff. Probably not something that is done regularly but I thought it would be a nice touch and be in line with the removable carapace of my Knights. There are certainly things i would have done differently if I would to this again, but since I had no conception about the dimensions, shapes etc on the inside of this model I had to make it up as I went and add things as them seamed to fit, which meant that it is probably not as thought out as I could make it now. Anyway I am pleased with the result, and if I change my mind later on I just need to keep the back lit on to hide it.

After this I only have the secondary weapons and gyros to finish before I have run out of things to paint on this titan. I am currently working on the green stuff for the back but that might take a while to finish. Then it is on to the main weapon systems. I do have some thoughts about some changes for these so I will not commit until the visions clear enough to make well founded decisions. So in the meantime I will work on the last of my three Knights I bought a couple of years back... it will be nice to see it finally finished.

And... there is one final thing to add to the interior of Varangian, I am working on a kitbash tech priest but more about that when it is closer to completion.

So this is it so far...