Just a quick hit this evening - With basically all of my big projects either complete or in varying states of sale (link to auctions), I decided to take a little time and start working through my backlog of Necromunda miniatures, including all the various Forge World hired guns that have been released so far, and a few throwback models from the mists of time!

I went ahead and got the skin tones down on all ten models but then realized they weren't suitable for batch painting as they're all individuals with varying paint schemes, and to be honest they deserve a little more TLC than my usual "just crank 'em out" methods. So I figured I'd lead off with quite possibly my favorite GW model of all time, Kal Jerico! Stuck closely to the 'official' paint scheme, and pretty jazzed with how he turned out. Next up, his poxy partner Scabbs!