The Battle Barge hung close to the edge of the strongest outer gravity well emanating from the singularity of the black hole. Space debris sped past it falling from every direction into the well dematerializing. The launch bays opened releasing two waves of steel coffins into the void. Some were etched with Gothic text telling of minor and major deeds. Others had noble crests attached. Each one was unique.

One by one each was pulled into the heart of the massive well. "Let them always be remembered." said Orpheus. "They willingly gave their lives in service to our Chapter with no question. May you all be reborn to a new life. You will never be forgotten." A single tear rolled down his cheek cutting through the dark grime. "Reverse engines." The warp drive lumbered into life as a team of tech adepts brought it online again. A thrum of energy strum ripped into space in sync with the closing of the launch bays sealing the barge. The space hulk imploded as it was ripped apart by the immense overlapping gravity fields just as the Templar Battle Barge made its warp jump.