Tick tock, it's Necromunda-o-clock! Definitely in the rhythm now, and the dudes are marching across the painting desk in a steady flow. Finished up the Chump with the Hump last night, the hive scum Grub Targeson:

Grub isn't quite as unusual a sculpt as Mad Dog Mono or Yolanda Skorn (still upcoming), but he has a ton of personality nonetheless. Fairly basic and workmanlike loadout with the shotgun and knife, he may not look like much but can put the hurt on anyone who strays too close!

I do like his background in the Gang War book, at one point he noticed a bump show up on his shoulder which over time swelled and grew into an unpleasant hump. While these sorts of unfortunate growths are endemic in the rad- and chem-filled atmosphere of Necromunda, when the hump started whispering secrets to him, Grub was forced to flee into the underhive to avoid being purged as a mutant and heretic. Adds a little fun flavor to the character!

Next up on deck is the new version of one of my perennial necromunda characters, the pompous Guilder Count DeMonay!