I finally decided that Varangians shoulder armor was done. I have not really added anything new to them in a couple of months which means that they are most likely done. So I attached the small foot plates to the edges, fixed the magnet mounts and got them sprayed. Once at this stage I got enthusiastic and just had to paint one plate. Several hours later this is what I have to show for it. I am happy with how it turned out, but it was only with the last color that it came together. Up until that point it did not look to convincing. I am also trying to improve on my weathering skills so I use the backsides of the armor to practice streaking and painting rust, chipped paint etc. I think I might have done a bit to much on this plate...  . But as it will not be that visible I will leave it and perhaps be a bit more conservative on the rest of the plates.

I also got going again on the back assembly and will hopefully be able to finish that soon so that I can wrap up Varangians body and start with the weapons.