Today I wanted to bring to your attention to a great charity event that is taking part this weekend. Harry, from the Dark Artisan Youtube channel will be hosting a 24 hour hobby streaming event to raise money for Cancer Research UK. 

Here's what Harry has to say:

"As you may, or may not, know I'm looking to do a full 24 hour stream of geek. For 24 hours starting Saturday 25th of August at 9am I will live stream building and painting. I will have people popping in to see me as well as chats on Skype and the live chats on YouTube. 

At first I was doing this because it would fun. Then I thought why don't we all try and raise a bit of money for a brilliant cause. So with that in mind, I’ve set up a just giving page to Cancer Research UK. All donations will of course be going to them, makes you feel good and it'll make me feel good. 

So let's dig deep, everyone go subscribe to the channel so you get a notification of when I'm starting the 24 hour stream. 
See you all soon hopefully.


The Dark Artisan"

Please check out Harry's page and donate if you can.