The Necromunda train rumbles on, with a foray into House Orlock territory! As part of the pile of hired guns was the Orlock-specific character Slate Merdena and his cyber-mastiff Macula, and I figured I may as well do up the nucleus of the associated Orlock gang that has been lurking on the shelf for several months.

Tried to do a Rottweiler scheme on Macula with a lighter brown underbelly and muzzle, but it's all washed out in the photos. Probably ought to go one tone lighter and re-shoot 'em... Slate is a beast as well with a plasma pistol and a thunder hammer, ready to squish the enemies of the House!

Went with a dirty, greasy biker look with the gangers, with blue jeans, grubby white t-shirts and oily metal armor. The loin cloths got a hit of yellow to give 'em a little pop. I've been picking up two boxes of gangs for each house, but have held off on building the second ten until I can get my hands on some of the FW weapon upgrade kits.

Speaking of Forge World, I'd pulled the trigger on some bits and kits for the next Heresy project this past weekend which proved to be rather timely following the news about the 20+% price hike across the board as they moved to local currency stateside. Glad I did as the order would have cost me and additional $120 for no good reason. I can understand their desire to not be tied to the occasionally volatile exchange rate, but a 20% rise seems egregious. Definitely going to be far more circumspect about what I order from FW going forward, and start relying more on third-party bits providers like Shapeways, Anvil Industries, Victoria Lamb, etc...