Hi One and All,

Me and The 6th degree caught up recently, and we decided to have a small battle, this was the 6th degree's first  battle in 8th, so we opted for a small battle.

We went for an Ultramarine force, vs a dameon horde force.

Turn 1 Ultramarines
  • Dreadnough killed 2 fiends with las fire - killing unit - first blood!
  • 2 Bloodletters with assault cannon fire
Turn 1 Daemons
  • Skull cannon took a wound from the Terminator squad
  • Flaming Chariot took 2 wounds of the Dreadnought
  • Screamers took 2 wounds from the Rhino

Ultramarine Turn 2
  •  Dreadnought takes 5 wounds of Flaming Chariot
  • Terminators take 3 wounds from Daemon Prince
  • Tactical squad kills 2 Screamers
  • Rhino removes a wound from Daemon Prince
 Daemon Turn 2
  • Pink Horrors kill 2 tactical marines with Smite
  • Flamer Chariot destroyed the Dreadnought
  •  Skullcannon killed a terminator 
  • Skulltaker charged the vindicator, taking 7 wounds!
  • 1 Bloodcrusher killed with over watch fire, the resulting combat sees one terminator die in close combat to the bloodletters, then the bloodcrushers will the remaining 3 Terminators with their Horns!
We then realise we hadn't done any moral checks! oops... so we rolled for them all at this point, so:
  •  last bloodletters who failed the check
  • Pink Horrors lost 2
  • remaining Bloodcrusher
  • 2 Tactical marines failed
  • Screamer survived!

Ultramarine Turn 3
  • Sicarius charges Skulltaker, and kills the daemon
  • 1 Flamer killed by Libararin
  • More Pink Horrors are killed
Daemon Turn 3
  •  Skullcannon killed Sicarius with fire
  • Flaming Chariot kills Vindicator with firepower
  • Flaming Chariot charges and, takes Librarian to one wound in cc

Turn 4, we review the battle field, and call it - a draw! Daemons claiming 2 objectives, and slay the warlord - 3 points, Ultramarines having 1 objective, slay the warlord and first blood!

Great Battle!

For me, the Flaming Chariot (of Doom) was a beast, taking multiple units out the fire, and the skull cannon did really well with kills via shooting each turn. LH

Thanks for looking!