Finished the left side shoulder armor for Varangian. Over all I am happy with the result, I could have made the green stuff sculpts a bit different... but I think it is ok so I will leave it as it is for now. I am however really happy with how the toe plates worked with the shoulders. The original position for these shields are a bit strange. As there are no pistons to lift them up when the foot is set down they would probably be torn off quite quickly, they also restrict the already limited stride for the titan so there we never any question about mounting them on the feet. I thought that using them on the shoulder was a nice nod towards the old beetle back plastic titan that had crenelated lower edges on the carapace.

Now I just have to paint the other side and I have run out of Varangian parts to paint, which means I should crack on with the sculpting on the back and start on the weapons.