Hey guys, I am back from a long break here to begin posting on the blog again. I've been using social media much more in the last two years, but I do miss the long format provided by blog posts. That said, It is time to dig in on what I have been working on.
As I got back into the hobby, I decided to commit to the Chaos legions in all forms: Daemons, Marines, Renegade Titans and everything evil.

I wanted my Sorc to be unique and detailed so I went with plenty of Alpha Legion freehand and I wanted the model based on something cooler than the Finecast options or parts from the Warp Talons box. This model is based on Heresy Era Arhiman.

I do plan to come back and fade these symbols back in with a Temple Guard Glaze to make these look like part of the armor, which is something I only learned painting the next squad: My Alpha Legion Noise Marines.

These guys were quite fun as they added some colors and patterns that break with the basic patterns my AL cultists have taken.

The snakes are fun and seem like a nice way to pay homage to Slaanesh while also honoring the chapter heritage of these guys.

I love Noise Marines in this edition. Huge squads with Endless Cacophony, Veterans of the Long War, Auras and Delightful Agonies have been massively successful for me and have been game breaking at times!

That's it folks. I am getting ready to visit Nova on the 1st and hopefully, I see some of you there! Please let me know what you think and give me some feedback.