I've seen other blogs do this (like The Old West Chronicle), and I figured writing up a weekly summary might be a good way for me to collect my thoughts/accomplishments/random gaming things for the week easily.  We'll see how I like it after a week or two of it.

This week was a bit slow on the gaming front, as I focused on house-related things.  I finished the settlement for the house on Thursday, meaning I'm a homeowner for the first time in my life!  There's already so much I need to do, but even with that, I still found time for some gaming related things.

Games Played
  • Ticket to Ride: Two games with my wife and two of our friends (Megan and Christian).  I came in 2nd the first time, and 3rd the second time.  Christian won both games.  The second game, I wanted to see what happened if I tried to block all the east-west routes in the central of the country (all the small 2 or 1-train routes).  I blocked them all off, except for the one that was a double route.  Doing so didn't seem to hinder anyone.  Clearly, this is not a good strategy, at least for this iteration of the game.
  • Star Fluxx: One game, teaching and playing against Christian.  I don't particularly care for Fluxx- it is far too random to be enjoyable at all, but he wanted to try some lighter games, and I figured it's a good fit for that criteria.  I got the cards in my and that I needed to win, but Christian knew, and was able to play the card that switched our seating positions, taking my cards and board state.  I had one turn to stop him, didn't draw anything useful, and he won.
  • Odin's Ravens: Two games, teaching (and learning) and playing against Christian.  I won the first game, using my Loki cards to great effect.  He won the second game, as I got to the second to last spot, but didn't draw what I needed to advance.  This is my first time trying this one, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it.  Seems like a game my wife would enjoy, meaning it's something I'll have to consider picking up in the future.
    New Arrivals
    •  Tiny Epic Zombies.  I did an unboxing post here.
    • VS System 2PCG: Spider-Friends.  An expansion for the non-collectible VS 2PCG card game.  I have opponents for this game finally, so with luck, I can finally get in some real games of this. 
    • Privateer Press mystery box!  Mine ended up being Retribution.  Guess that means I'm starting a Ret army (after my Minions... and Cryx... and Cygnar... and Mercenaries... and Legion... and Skorne... armies are done).  I may, however, assemble this a bit faster to play against BK and his upcoming mystery box.
    • Kill Team rulebook.  Rob bought the starter box, which is awesome, and I'm excited to play, but I wanted to have some time to assemble my own Kill Team, and it makes for an extremely fun modeling opportunity.  So... yeah, I'm going to read up on the rules myself, so we have a couple of people prepped to play.
    Miniature Assembly/Painting
    • Finished assembly of my Swamp Horror for Hordes.  He'll be a nice addition to my Rask battlegroup if I play Will Work For Food (Overtake plus a meaningful strength plus good range?  Heck yes).  It didn't go together quite perfectly though- I'll have to green stuff around his mouth piece to create a better join.