Hi all!
My little boy is now 7 years old and we’ve read The Hobbit. He really enjoyed it and I told him I had some miniatures and a game about it.
Anyway, out came the old stuff from deep inside a cupboard.
We decided to paint up the dwarves from Thorin’s company, but in the colours as told in the book so I had some Dwarven Rangers and away we go! So far we've just done the bases and the cloaks, but we do a little bit sometimes in the evening before bed time while listening to "The Hobbit" on audiobook.
The piece of paper under the miniatures has their names on it so I don't forget who's who! These will be brighter coloured than my usual dwarves as in the novel they have lots more colour to them!
I've also kitbashed some goblins to have big (or different) shields so that I can field some blackshields. I had a box full of unpainted and semi-painted goblins that I got cheap on eBay once upon a time. Oh, and in the back you can see my Harad guys with banners. All of these are yet to be painted, obviously!
My productivity will obviously be much reduced from the "good old days" but I'm going to convince my brother to come over for a game at some stage so that my son can watch how it's played and help us roll lots and lots of dice!
Long time no post
by simmuskhan | Sep 7, 2018