Our next battle took place among some ruins. The Falcon's Honour versus Etako's Expeditionaries, with each leader trying to prove his worth. Victory went to whichever leader took out the most enemies.

Here's a photo of the Falcon's Honour Battle Company

And at setup the Harad team was split into two small groups on the left, with the dwarves in the center on the right.

Here's Etako's Expeditionaries.

 After a few turns of movement, the dwarves have kept together down to the south edge of the board with the Harad archers spread out and shooting with the main Harad force coming down from the North.

The archers keep taking shots at the dwarves, who are just barely visible among the ruins. No shots hit at this stage.

The dwarven shields protect the archers behind them.

Etako, likewise, stays behind a shield as arrows continue to fly.

Finally the dwarves charge forward into combat!

The Fang (who can now move and shoot without penalty) continues backing away from Brynmor and this time hits! Brynmor saves with fate and curses his stumpy legs!

Etako takes the first kill of the match - victory points: Dwarves 1, Harad 0.
Boggle shields up and survives thanks to his higher fight score!

The Falcon charges at the now exposed archers and a melee ensues with just about everybody!

With priority, Brynmor finally gets to swing his shovel at The Fang, but misses!

Here's what it looks like from the other side...

Etako misses his chance to rack up another point, but The Falcon doesn't miss and takes out Archie! Dwarves 1, Harad 1!

In a fantastic upset, Loki Lightfingers takes revenge for his partner bowdwarf and takes out The Falcon!?! Etako charges the cavalry and smashes the rider to the ground! The scenario is won for the dwarves now, but we decide to play on so our sides can get some experience =)

Boggle smashes The Hawk, while The Talon takes out Mighty Monty (by using might)!

Brynmor has been chasing after archers this whole game and finally is close to cornering them!

In the penultimate, hilarious (to me) combat of the game The Pincer shoots at Boggle, but hits The Talon instead! Fortunately the Talon saves the wound with a point of fate. Of course, then Boggle and Etako slam into him and kill him as he has no fate left now!

Finally Brynmor has a second chance to take out The Fang. They both use their remaining might, the Fang wins the combat but fails to breach the dwarven armour!

So in the end it was a nice short game - perfect for an hour or so spare! I think it took us longer to take the photos and work out where to spend our influence and experience than it did to actually play the game =)

The Harad upgrade with some more mounts and another troop. They also suffer some Old Battle Wounds. 

The Dwarves upgrade with some throwing axes and two of them will have to miss the next match due to injury!