Our next Battle Company mission was "Recovery" or "Treasure Hunt" as we called it.
Five tokens are on the board, evenly spread across the center. One of them has a "T" on the reverse side. The object is to search each one to find the treasure, then escape with it off the other side of the board!
This mission might penalise the shorter movement distance of the dwarf team!
The Falcon's Honour, with now with a couple of horses, gets to two tokens super quickly - the treasure is found right in the center of the board!
Loki (foreground) draws back and shoots at The Falcon himself, hitting his horse and sending it packing! The Falcon, however, flips gracefully to his feet, none the worse for wear.
The treasure counts as a heavy object, it cannot be taken by horse, a model carrying it moves at half speed and two models can carry it moving at normal speed.
With only five dwarves in Etako's Expeditionary force this mission, they are well spread out. The Harad carry the treasure towards Brynmor and Skodi in a big pack. A thowing axe from Brynmor takes out The Hawk and Loki shoots again and takes out The Serpent! The dwarven ranged assaults are proving to be deadly!
Brynmor and Skodi charge at the Haradrim, Brynmor using might to take out "The Tiger". But where did the treasure go??
In one of my new all time favourite plays in a strategy battle game, a line of Haradrim shunt the treasure from one guy to the next like some sort of amazing football play! It moves halfway across the map and away from my slower dwarves!
The Talon holds up Brynmor and Skodi to give his friends time to get away and lives to tell the tale!
But as soon as Loki has line of sight he takes out "The Wolf" who was out in front acting point and ready to shuffle the treasure even further along!
Meanwhile Etako and Boggle scramble to try and get within throwing axe range, but are blocked at every turn! Etako throws an axe, uses a point of might and wounds "The Fang" who saves with his own point of fate and might!
Now the two leaders face off, Etako and The Falcon. The falcon uses a point of might to win the fight and a second point of might to wound Etako! Fate has fled him this time and down goes the dwarf! That second point of might upgrade on the Falcon is really useful!
Keeping the run going, Loki takes out "The Fang" clearing him for a final shot at the treasure bearers!
They have sprinted as fast as they can and make it right to the edge of the board!
And they make it! Loki misses his last shot and the other dwarves are still well too far behind to do anything about it!
What an awesome game - so different and so fun! Seriously, if you've only ever played deathmatch games give some of these other types of game a go.
They really give different play styles and different team compositions a chance to shine.
We both agreed that Loki gets dwarf of the match, his shooting was fantastic (and in the post-game upgrade phase he becomes a ranger - giving him an even better shoot score!)