It's almost that time of year again, when monstrous mechanical machines make much mayhem! That's right, it's time for...

I'll be helping out the inestimable Todd Sherman from Sincain40k in helping collate all the entries for this year's celebration of all things stompy! Head on over to and sign up - We'll be collection folks pictures and showing off all the awesome stuff you folks come up with over the month of October. It's not limited to just Dreadnoughts, of course - any big stompy machine is welcome! In point of fact, I don't personally have any Dreads in any of my current projects, so will instead be working on a group of Armigers that have been languishing on the painting desk for months. I always like these kinds of events as a goad to get some long-overdue project into (and subsequently off of) the painting queue!

It's the most Dread-full time of the year! Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!