Just a quick hit today on the Heresy front, before setting them aside for a while and diving in to my Dreadtober project. I wanted to add an assault squad to the Word Bearers force, but with the recent price rise the big resin assault squad just got crazy expensive. I figured that as I had a plethora of Mk.IV plastics, I could likely put together something a little more frugally. After trawling through eBay and Pop Goes The Monkey's offerings on Shapeways for appropriate bits, I more or less succeeded!

Though the legs on the plastic Mk.IVs are fairly static (not a lot of running poses), with the assault marine arms they still look pretty dynamic. I really dig the PGtM jump packs as well, though they're a little blown out in the pics. Quite looking forward to getting some paint on 'em, but that's going to have to wait, for now it's time to paint GIANT STOMPY MACHINES!