Brother Arghus read the cyphered bit. The Imperial Navy would deliver the Ordantius Strike within the next planetary revolution. The Dark Angel thought upon the millions of Imperial citizens who would die to stop a Genestealer Cult infestation his brothers could easily quell. His fingers pressed the embossed keys on the auspex ordering a temporary halt to prevent the immediate destruction of an entire planet. "Halt." There was no answer in return. Arghus limbered his bolter and drew his power axe from his belt. "Brothers form up."

Temial the terminator stepped out from the dark shadows leveling his assault cannon aimed point blank at the Broodlord. "It is certain death to remain but we can’t abandon the citizens." the Doom Eagle replied. Heavy slugs ripped into the xenos penetrating its tough outer exoskeleton. His power fist came down hard with vengeance blunting the elongated head and pulverized it like a piece of rotten fruit.

For a moment the genestealers seemed stunned by the death of their leader stopping suddenly in midframe. The rest of the Kill Team joined in unleashing the pent fury of their stormbolters. They came firing until their ammo was spent and black oozing ichor filled the the cracks between the cobbled stone floor. Smoke poured off the muzzles as the Deathwatch quickly reloaded. Erasmus the Blood Angels Epistolary stood in the middle slowing coiling his gauntlets. The force spilled from his fingertips as he mouthed the words to an ancient forbidden lore taken from from an Ultwhe Warseer he had slain. Again the pitch black darkness gripped tightly around blotting out the Kill Team. They stood in silence waiting for the next wave but nothing emerged.