Hi One and All,

I thought it would be a good opportunity to post a quick updated with my Titan Maniple, an assembly of the Legio.

As you might have seen I've recently completed my Reaver titan, and am now getting towards completion of my recent Warhound. I thought it could be a good opportunity to show the 2 with my original Reaver, an Armorcast Reaver.
The original Armorcast Reaver is slightly smaller than the FW Reaver, and looks very similar height to that of the Warhound. The details are not as good as the FW models.
I still like the look of the original armorcast Reaver, harking back to the Epic model, however I do think any future titans would be from FW and not 3rd party versions due to the height and detail, I do like having a variations of the titan class.
Cheers LH