Well if any-ones going to have something interesting for Halloween it's this lot...

KDU#38 - Halloween Sale

It's Halloween! Predictably KD HQ is excited, eating massive quantities of candy, and enjoying the spooky energy in the ether. We've got tons of festive exclusives, even Satan is getting into the spirit. 

Halloween 2018 Releases

Halloween Exclusives
Devil Satan - Read More
Halloween Pinup Twilight Knight - Read More
Halloween White Speaker - Read More
Halloween Survivors - Read More
Halloween Death Dice - Read More

New Resin Releases
Elder Scissor Knight Read More
Death High Preacher Male  - Read More
Azure Knight  - Read More

Disciple of the Witch One Read More
Disciple of the Witch Two Read More
Disciple of the Witch Six Read More

Monster Core Game
Monster 1.5 Core Game - Read More

Please be aware: orders cannot ship from multiple warehouses. Canada and Australia regional warehouses DO NOT ship outside their region. Expansion and Whitebox orders cannot be combined with items from HQ warehouse.
Community Spotlight

It’s the season for dread, and once again the Kingdom Death Community does not disappoint! Even in this most frightful of seasons, there’s always beauty to be found among the rot and bones. Here just a few projects we found across the web or from sinister masterminds who tagged us on the official KD Twitter account:
Costume Party!
These minis are totally set for Halloween thanks to a few clever costumers. Over on Twitter, Lorenzosasso shared their grim-faced take on the Messenger of Courage, gothicly garbed and bloody eyed—brilliant! Preferring seductive to scary, Em [electriceve]'s  Easter Twilight Knight brings a bit of color to the masquerade, especially with bunny lantern glowing candy apple green! Incredible work!
Not all lights keep away the ghoulies. Over on Twitter, GFFM’s Halloween White Speaker lantern seems custom designed to rile up souls this All Hallow’s Eve. A truly macabre display piece! Terrifying work!
Taking the Stage
No one knows about getting into character better than the Lion Knight. And oh wow, did ISWAA go all out on Twitter, putting together one of the most incredible Lion Knight dioramas we’ve ever seen! Make sure you really take a good look at this one, the details in the added water and lanterns are truly something to behold!
Steel your heart, gentle reader. We know we’ve showcased many a terror amid these mailings, but none threatens more to unspool your your sanity and your heartstrings than Twist Gaming’s knitwork Infant Sunstalker! We definitely don’t want to leave this happy little rainbow-chucker in the Sacred Pool.
A Little Night(mare) Music
Want to make your Kingdom Death experience a bit more ominous? Have a particularly unsettling showdown planned? Want to really play up the horror in “nightmare horror?� Nothing helps like a little background music. For your Kingdom Death sessions this Halloween, try dimming the lights and putting on a few of these spooky stations. It’s easy to do, but the ambiance is sure to add a new level of dread to your KD campaign!

If you’re looking for places to start, hop over to YouTube and check out these awesomely ominous channels!
  • The Guild of Ambiance: This crew does ambiance right. Never intrusive and with nifty subtly animated backgrounds, The Guild’s Dark Ambiance and Rain & Thunderstorm Sounds are great for foreshadowing all manner of terrors.
  • Cryo Chamer: Particular about your spooky sounds? Cryo Chamber is great for long stretches of low-key ominous, with a variety of mixes and themes. We dig Atrium Carceri, but take a tour and pick your favorite!
  • 10 Hours of Everything: A more general channel than those above, 10 Hours of Everything has… well, you read the title. In this case, everything includes music for your long-haul KD campaigns. Want to set it then forget it? Try 10 Hours of Horror Background Music.


Do you need help? We want to help you. Please submit a ticket here: kingdomdeath.com/support.

Do not send us support messages thru kickstarter. 
Thank you!
When will my order ship? 
High volume sales may cause shipping delays. Generally we pack and ship orders daily, however during new releases we estimate shipping delays up to 2 weeks. We apologize, please be kind to our team as they process and pack your order. Thank you!
Copyright © 2018 Adam Poots Games, LLC, All rights reserved.

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