Howdy folks! Been having some issues getting new pics uploaded to my galleries, but finally got it sorted out and have a whole slew of new pics ready to go! After working on a ton of heresy stuff, I thought I'd take a breather and switch gear to do a mess of Necromunda models who have been lurking on the to-be-painted shelf for months, if not years. Buckle up for a couple weeks worth of painting!

First up is one of the oldest models that have been rattling around the Closet of Doom for decades, the Spyrer Patriarch! I essentially had to paint him in the green and yellow of the classic "Doc Ock" scheme, and I'm going to be hard-pressed not to refer to him as "Apothecary Cephalopod" now!

Figured I ought to take a quick snap of the whole hunt team. Part of me want to see if I can find the alternate poses for each of the four 'basic' spyrers and get them painted up as well!

Next up are a trio of Hired Guns from the recent Forge World releases, Grendl Grendlsen, Belladonna and Eyros Slagmyst. Really enjoyed painting them up, especially Grendl - Had to give him the classic House Mjolnir paint scheme!

As a contrast, I also painted up a trio of old hired guns from the original release back in the day - Biceps McSixpack, Frellin' Tom, and Ever-Ready Evan.

As a callback to a friend's old gang, Eats Bad Fungus the Ratskin Scout got a lick of paint. I always loved this model, it's by far my favorite of the Ratskin sculpts.

Similarly, as an homage to my dubby Dave's old Pit Slave gang, Dr. Whirlygig the Pit Slave Champion is ready to rampage through the underhive!

In other news, I love to trawl the interwebs for likeminded folks who enjoy the old Rogue Trader era minis and aesthetic, and ran across a fellow who had sculpted up some robots based on some art from the 1st edition rulebook. I had to get my mitts on a few!

They're scaled to fit on 40mm bases and I don't really have any use for them in 30k/40k, but they'll work really well as some counts-as Ambots for a planned Necromunda scenario in the near future!

More stuff to come shortly, as I work through the photo backlog!