The Guild of Harmony is the mysterious fourth faction in Twisted!  It seems largely to be composed of miniatures that predated the game and had been available for a while.  They are wonderfully Steampunk and fit in very well with the other factions.

Trevor the Rat is a Kickstarter/Tradeshow Exclusive and I'm not entirely sure where he fits into the game but the miniature is fun.

I had a really hard time getting him to sit well and ultimately decided to depict him as having had an accident that severed his tail... oops!  Ouch! Now known as Trevor the Rat with no tail....

This pair of Special Edition Dickensian Urkins game along separately from the box set and I had forgotten about them while I was doing the faction... happily re-discovered they can now join their fellows!

I love the Urkin Shooter covered in books!  Appropriately named Library... its a super cool vibe... he even has books for armor~!

The Urkin Slasher is called Bedtime and was a little challenging but I was pretty happy with the tartan muffler and pink... or really faded red.. bath robe... the teddy bear turned out to be a gold color... possibly a clockwork version.

 Probably my favorite pair of the set Ariel and Bastion the Crab!  lots of fun painting cool colors.
I think they end up in the Guild of Harmony Faction but I have't located the cards yet so its hard to be sure!  Turns out I seem to have forgotten to order the Monkey King so I'll have to remedy that!
 Who wouldn't love a Steampunk Tinkerbelle!

She is a member of the Guild of Harmony and an accomplished mechanic in this incarnation.

She's very sweet but has a bad side... don't get on it!
 Striped corsets bright colors... the fairy herself is a bit sooty but in a celebratory way!
Finally the day/night tracker for The Order of Vampire Hunters. 

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