Sporadic still, as my wife and I worked most nights to get our house ready for Thanksgiving.  Now that it is done, I can get some more time to play, and hopefully work on my basement, where I'll FINALLY get some space and time to work on my hobbies again!

Games Played
  • Ticket to Ride: One game with my wife and her uncle and cousin. I decided to just go for the longest destination tickets I drew, and started with a Santa Fe-Vancouver one.  When I completed that, I drew again, and kept Montreal-Vancouver.  When I finished that, I added a few small paths to extend the longest route... and ended up winning, ending at 106 points.  Second place was Marina, at 102.
  • Settlers of Catan: One game with my wife and her uncle and cousin.  I put my initial settlements touching at least one of each resource type, with a second wood available.  My one settlement got blocked from expanding pretty early, but the one closest to me was able to create a lot road chain, and get some new settlements.  Those became cities in no time, and before I knew it, I was sitting at 10 points.  I think Kristina and Vaidas tied for second, at seven apiece.
  • Catan Dice Game: This was a game I played against Christian, as he tries to get into gaming, and I show off new things.  We played both versions, with him winning one, and me winning the other.  This was my first time playing this, and it was pretty fun- something fun and easy I could get for traveling.
  • No Thanks!: One game with Christian.  This is NOT a two player game, but we tried it out, because Christian was interested in the designer.  It ended up being still moderately interesting, but definitely not something I'd play with only two again.  I think I'd like it with three or more though, definitely.
  • Warhammer 40K: Kill Team: Two games with BK.  First game, I ran the Starstriders against the Harlequins... and was not ready for that matchup at all.  He didn't fail a charge all game, and the end result was I was forced into a Leadership test turn two, that I failed, and lost.  Second game, I ran Grey Knights against Necrons.  We shot at each other from behind cover.  I managed to fail EVERY armor save I took, and then failed EVERY injury test I take.  Seriously.  Every single one.  I roll box-cars on my Leadership test, and lose.  I still enjoy the game.  I definitely think the Starstriders kind of stink.... but I'm not 0-4 in this game.  Maybe I'm the one who stinks?
New Arrivals
  • Counterfact Magazine, issue 9, titled "War in the Megacity".  It will be an interesting one.  I remember discussions about the viability of invading a city with a population of 10+ million, and the challenges armed forces would face in this scenario.  This game examines some of those.
  • Kings of War: Vanguard. This is a skirmish miniatures game set in the Kings of War universe. I have never played the full game, but Mantic has done okay in the rulesets I have played with (Dreadball and Walking Dead).  This looks interesting.  I'll have a post about this in the future, showing what I ended up getting (looks like four warbands?).
  • The newest release from Privateer Press' mini-crate, Lady of the Feast.  Very nice looking model, but I don't play Circle, and likely won't for some time. 
Miniature Assembly/Painting
  • None.  I assembled three beds, a dresser, several tables, and painted several rooms.  Does that count?
  • Actually, nothing gaming related lately- I've been working on reading Anna Karenina, by Tolstoy.  Probably the best chance I have of ever finishing a Tolstoy book.  On part three, of eight.  Has been very interesting so far.