After spraying the back and the in-take cowls I could not wait, but started on the heads of the Void dragons. I needed to see how they turned out and if I should go on with the rest. I think they turned out ok, they are the first large scale sculpts I have done, and quite frankly, at lot of the design was improvised. There are some parts of the sculpts that didn't turn out as I wanted but it is what it is now, and I think they look great. It will be nice to see them together with there rest of the spine and the back.

As for the back, I have already started the painting on the inside as it needs to get done before starting on the out side. It is taking time since the spike on the back means I can't put it down while I paint so my hand starts cramping. This means I can do to much before resting.
Well I am on my way to finishing of the body of Varangian.
and that feels great.