Here is my first 40k tournament battle report form the recent Grand Slam event held at Element Games.
The first game was against Wayne and his mixed Imperial force, featuring a lot of firepower and some hard-hitting combat units. The first mission was a mixture of The Scouring Eternal War and Tactical Gambit for the maelstrom of war, using Spearhead Assault deployment.
My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (Dark Angels)
Azrael (Az)
Primaris Lieutenant- Master-crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Eye of the Unseen (Relic) (L)
Primaris Ancient- Bolt Rifle (An)
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles (I)
5 Scouts- Bolters (S1)
5 Scouts- Heavy Bolter, Bolters (S2)
5 Devastators- Heavy Bolter, Armorium Cherub (D)
10 Hellblasters- Plasma Incinerators (H)
Darkshroud- Heavy Bolter (DS)
Battalion Detachment (Deathwatch)
Watch Master- Guardian Spear (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol (WC)
10 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols (DI)
10 Veterans- 10 Storm Bolters, 2 Storm Shields, 8 Chainswords (DV1)
6 Veterans- 2 Missile Launchers, 4 Stalker Bolters (DV2)
Auxiliary Detachment
Culexus Assassin (CA)
Wayne's army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (Astra Militarum, Cadian)
Company Commander- Laspistol, Chainsword, Warlord (CC1)
Company Commander- Laspistol, Chainsword (CC2)
Infantry Squad- Lasguns (IS1)
Infantry Squad- Lasguns (IS2)
Infantry Squad- Lasguns (IS2)
Heavy Weapons Team- 3 Mortars (HWT)
Battalion Detachment (Blood Angels)
Captain- Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Angel's Wings, Death Company (C)
Mephiston- Wings of Sanguinius, Quickening, Shield of Sanguinius (M)
5 Scouts- Bolters (S1)
5 Scouts- Bolters (S2)
5 Scouts- Shotguns (S3)
Spearhead Detachment (Adeptus Mechanicus, Mixed)
Belisarius Cawl (Mars) (BC)
17 Fulgrite Electro-priests (Stygies) (EP)
5 Kastelan Robots- 15 Heavy Phosphor Blasters (Mars) (KR)
Onager Dunecrawler- Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad spectrum data tether (Mars) (OD1)
Onager Dunecrawler- Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad spectrum data tether (Mars) (OD2)
A mixed Imperial army that can do a variety of roles. He had some very strong firepower with the Adeptus Mechanicus units, while the Blood Angels units would provide some speed and great close combat potential. The Guard would provide some strong board control for blocking my deep striking units.
The placement of the objectives was set in each misison, as shown below:
We then deployed our forces. We both started with the Scouts units, Wayne putting one unit behind the rocks on his left flank, while I put a unit in the centre. He then placed a second unit on his right flank.
I set up a unit of Devastators on the right flank, and a unit of Intercessors on the left flank, holding each objective and out of line of sight of the enemy army. The Deathwatch Veterans with the Missile Launchers went on the rocks in the centre. I then put the Hellblasters, Dark Angels characters and Darkshroud forward in the centre, ready to move up on the enemy units. I deployed my last unit of Scouts on the left flank, and decided to put the Assassin on the table to guard against Mephiston.
Wayne spread his forces out across the board. He put a Dunecrawler on each flank. Two of the Infantry Squads deployed across the front line to provide a screen for his army. The Robots and Cawl went on the left flank, behind the Guardsmen. The Electro-priests went at the front of his deployment zone, ready to advance on the enemy army.
The mortars went in the centre on the rocks, while the third unit of Scouts and Guardsmen formed a screen at the back of his deployment zone. The warlord, the Blood Angels Captain and Mephiston deployed out of line of sight on the left flank.
I got the +1 to go first, and won the roll, choosing the first turn. Wayne failed to seize the initiative. I then used the Secret Agenda stratagem to keep my maelstrom cards hidden during the game. Wayne also played Clandestine Infiltration to allow the Electro-Priests to move up on my Scouts.
I queried whether they were allowed to move within 9" of my units. Wayne said that they were, but I'm sure they were not allowed. I checked the FAQ after the fact, and they are not allowed to move within 9" of enemy units.
Before the game started, we rolled for the major and minor objectives. The major objective (worth 4 pts) was objective 5, while the minor objective (worth 1 pt) was objective 1 in my deployment zone. This would mean a fight for the centre of the field to get the major objective.
In my first turn, I drew Psychological Warfare, Secure Objective 3, Defend Objective 5 and No Prisoners. I bet on scoring one card for my round. For my Mission Tactics, I chose Heavy Support.
The two Scout squads moved up on the objective on the left flank, the Hellblasters and Dark Angels characters moved up to support them. The Devastators moved to target the Scouts in front of them, while the Intercessors moved up to target the Priests (I knew I had to deal with them quickly).
The shooting phase began with the Devastators firing on the Blood Angels Scouts with the Hellfire Shells stratagem. The first round killed three, while the second round (thanks to the Armorium Cherub) killed the last two to give me first blood.
The Hellblasters then fired at the Robots and Electro-priests, using the Weapons of the Dark Age stratagem (a couple could not see the Robots, so targeted the Priests). The eight firing at the Robots managed to do 5 wounds, but the Kastelans only failed a single save, bouncing two mortal wounds back at the Hellblasters and killing one. The remaining two Hellblasters fired at the Priests, wounding them four times, but he made all his invulnerable saves for the loss of two Hellblasters.
I had lost three Hellblasters for only 3 wounds on one Robot, not a great result!
The Scouts fired at the Priests, hitting them 8 times, but only wounding 3 on a 3+, but killing two. The second Scout unit fired at them, causing 7 wounds and killing five. The Intercessors added their firepower, killing two more.
The Deathwatch fired their Krak Missiles at the Robots, but I rolled a double 1 to hit! The Stalker Bolters could not see the Priests and were out of range of other targets.
In the charge phase, one Scout unit assaulted the Electro-Priests, joined by Azrael and the Hellblasters.
Azrael struck at the Priests, killing three. Wayne then spent 2CP to interrupt with the Priests and targeted the Scouts, killing four. The Hellblasters managed to then finish off the unit.
In the morale phase, the last Scout passed his test and fought on.
At the end of my turn, I scored First Blood, No Prisoners, Secure Objective 3 and my bonus point, taking me to four. I discarded Defend Objective 5. I doubted my units would survive to hold it.
A good start to the game for me, taking out a couple of units and pushing up to secure the objective. However, my firepower had bounced off the Kastelan Robots and little damage. Their potent firepower was going to hurt me in the following turn.
In his first turn, Wayne drew Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 2, Secure Objective 5 and Behind Enemy Lines. He bet he would score one point.
The Blood Angels Captain used the Upon Wings of Fire stratagem to re-deploy behind the Intercessors in my deployment zone. The Scouts moved up on objective 5, while the Infantry Squads moved up to push back my reserves even further. Mephiston moved around from the ruins to target the enemy army.
In the psychic phase, Mephiston cast Shield of Sanguinius on himself.
In the shooting phase, the Company Commander ordered the Infantry Squads to First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire. They opened fire on the Dark Angels Scouts holding the objective, killing four with their combined firepower. The Blood Angels Scouts fired on the lone Dark Angels Scout, killing him.
One Onager Dunecrawler fired at the Darkshroud and Hellblasters, using a stratagem to give it +2 to hit. The main gun did one wound on the Darkshroud, which I saved using a command point re-roll. It managed to do one wound on the Hellblasters with its Cognis Stubber. The other Onager fired at the Darkshroud, but missed with its shots.
The Heavy Weapons Team fired their Mortars at the Deathwatch Veterans, killing one of the squad.
The Kastelan Robots opened fire on the Hellblasters, using the Wrath of Mars stratagem. The potent firepower managed to four 16 wounds in total and four mortal wounds. I then failed 12 of my 16 invulnerable saves and the unit was wiped out. Only one got to shoot back, firing at the Robots, but failing to get past their invulnerable save.
In the charge phase, the Blood Angels Scouts charged the last Dark Angels Scout, one dying to a Krak Grenade in overwatch. The Blood Angels Captain used Descent of Angels to make the charge on the Intercessors, also using the Red Rampage stratagem to get an extra attack.
In the fight phase, the Blood Angels Captain struck at the Intercessors, but only managed to kill three after some poor dice rolls. The Blood Angels Scouts killed the Dark Angels Scout to grab the objective. The Surviving Intercessors did not damage to the Blood Angels Captain, but were able to stop him from securing the objective.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored Behind Enemy Lines, Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 5 and his bonus point for 4 points.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 4 + 2 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 2 + 3KP
In my second turn, I bet one point once more. I drew Secure Objective 6, Kingslayer and Blood and Guts to go with Psychological Warfare.
The Dark Angels Intercessors fell back from combat, while the Devastators and Deathwatch Veterans moved up to be able to target him. Azrael, the Assassin, the Lieutenant and Ancient moved up on the Blood Angels Scouts, while the Darkshroud advanced onto objective 6.
At the end of the phase, I brought in my reserves. The Watch Captain and Storm Bolter Kill Team landed on the left flank, while the Deathwatch Intercessors and Watch Master went on the right flank. My plan was to assault the Guardsmen and hopefully consolidate into the Robots to shut down their firepower, as well as charge one Dunecrawler to tie that up.
In the shooting phase, the Storm Bolter Kill Team fired at the Infantry Squad and Mortar Team, killing 8 of the Infantry and putting three wounds on a Mortar Teams. The Watch Captain killed one more of the Infantry Squad, while Azrael managed to kill one of the Heavy Weapons Teams with his Plasma Gun.
The Deathwatch Veterans fired a Flakk Missile at the Blood Angels Captain (I kept the command point), putting three mortal wounds on him. The Stalker Bolters did one wound, while the second Missile Launcher missed the target.
The Devastators fired their Hellfire Shells at the Blood Angels Captain. I rolled a single mortal wound, and decided to use a command point re-roll, but only got one wound. The Captain had a 5+ save against wounds, so I was hoping to take his last wound. Fortunately, Wayne failed his save and the Captain was slain.
The Deathwatch Intercessors fired at the Kastelan Robots, using a stratagem to give them +1 to wound. They did 12 wounds with the Kraken Bolts, the Robots failing 6 wounds. The Watch Master fired at the Robots with the Tempest Shells, doing 2 mortal wounds.
In the charge phase, the Watch Captain and Deathwatch Veterans attempted to charge the Onager Dunecrawler, but both failed the charge. The Deathwatch Intercessors then charged the Infantry Squad, but failed to make the distance, even with a command point re-roll. Of the three 9" charges, I failed to roll over a 3 for all three charges!
Azrael and the Assassin charged the Blood Angels Scouts, killing the squad.
My hope was to charge the Infantry Squad, wipe them out and go into the Robots. I would have needed to used 3CP to fight again and move up to tie up the Robots.
In the morale phase, the last member of the Infantry Squad fled, as did the final member of the Heavy Weapons Team. One member of the other Infantry squad also fled the field.
At the end of my phase, I scored Psychological Warfare for 2 pts, Secure Objective 6 and Blood and Guts, as well as my bonus point. I discarded Kingslayer.
In his second turn, Wayne drew Assassinate, Kingslayer, Scour the Skies and Hold the Line.
Mephiston moved up towards the newly arrived Deathwatch, while the Infantry Squad moved up to support him. The rest of the army remained in place.
In the psychic phase, Mephiston failed to cast the Quickening. He then cast Wings of Sanguinius on Mephiston, passing the power and moving up on the Darkshroud.
In the shooting phase, the Kastelan Robots used a stratagem to change their protocols to fire twice.
The Infantry Squad fired at the Deathwatch Intercessors, but did no damage. One Onager fired at the Darkshroud, wounding it once, but I made my save. The other Onager managed to kill one Deathwatch Veteran, while missing the Darkshroud.
The Robots used the Wrath of Mars stratagem and split their fire between the Deathwatch Veterans, Darkshroud and Deathwatch Intercessors.
The first two managed to wipe out the Deathwatch Veterans, after causing 19 wounds and I failed all my Storm Shield saves. The next two Robots fired at the Darkshroud, getting 9 hits, but only two wounds, taking three damage from the vehicle.
The final two fired at the Intercessors, doing 18 wounds and 3 mortal wounds, killing 6 of the squad. Mephiston fired at the Watch Master, doing one wound from him.
In the charge phase, Mephiston assaulted the Darkshroud. The Watch Master carried out a heroic intervention.
In the Fight phase, Mephiston did three wounds on the Darkshroud. The Watch Master attacked Mephiston, but fluffed all his attacks and did not damage to the enemy psyker.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored Hold the Line, his bonus point and one kill point.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 8 + 5 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 4 + 4KP
At the start of my turn, I drew Defend Objective 6, Defend Objective 1, Secure Objective 1 and Scour the Skies.
The Darkshroud and Watch Master fell back from combat with Mephiston, the Watch Master moving up to support the Intercessors, who moved up on the Robots.
Azrael and the Ancient moved up on objective 5, while the Lieutenant and Assassin moved up on the enemy units. The Watch Captain moved up on the Onager Dunecrawler. The Lieutenant fired on the Company Commander, wounding him once and taking two damage from him.
In the shooting phase, the Devastators fired Hellfire Shells at Mephiston, causing 3 mortal wounds, but Wayne made 2 of his three 5+ saves. I then fired the Deathwatch Veterans at Mephiston, the Flakk Missile doing another 3 mortal wounds, but Wayne made another two out of three saves! The Stalker Bolters managed to do a single wound on Mephiston. The second Missile Launcher hit, but failed to wound with a command point re-roll. The Darkshroud fired at Mephiston, wounding him once, but he made another 5+ FNP save.
That was unexpected. Mephiston should have been dead, but he made 4 out of 6 of his 5+ saves against my mortal wounds in that turn.
The Deathwatch Intercessors fired at the Infantry Squad, killing six of them and wiping out the squad. This was an error, as I wanted to charge the Squad then consolidate into the Robots.
The Assassin fired at the Robots, doing two wounds, but they made both 5+ invulnerable saves. Azrael fired his Plasma Gun at the Dunecrawler, but Wayne made yet another 5+ invulnerable save!
In the charge phase, the Deathwatch Intercessors assaulted the Kastelan Robots, taking 10 hits in overwatch and wounding 5 times. I failed three saves, but made the charge.
The Watch Captain charged the Dunecrawler, while the Lieutenant charged the Company Commander.
In the fight phase, the Lieutenant managed to kill the Company Commander, consolidating into the Robots. The Watch Captain attacked the Dunecrawler, destroying it with his Thunder Hammer. The vehicle exploded, putting two mortal wounds on the Watch Captain.
The Intercessors did three wounds on the Robots, all of which were saved. The Robots attacked back, doing one wound, but making his save.
At the end of my turn, I scored no maelstrom cards, so Wayne scored my bonus point. I discarded Scour the Skies.
Not a good turn for me for objectives, but decent otherwise. I had shut down the firepower of the Robots for at least one turn, and taken out one of the Dunecrawlers. Annoyingly, I had failed to kill Mephiston thanks to some great saves on the mortal wounds.
In his third turn, Wayne drew Secure Objective 4 to go with Kingslayer, Assassinate and Scour the Skies. He bet he would score one point.
The Blood Angels Scouts moved up on the Watch Captain, while the Infantry Squad advanced to join them. Mephiston moved up on the Dark Angels Devastators. Belisarius Cawl moved up towards the Lieutenant.
In the psychic phase, Mephiston cast Wings of Sanguinius on himself, moving up behind the Devastators, behind the cover (to prevent overwatch). He then cast the Quickening (getting 3 extra attacks).
In the shooting phase, the Infantry Squad were ordered to Move, Move, Move up on the Watch Captain.
The Onager Dunecrawler fired on the Darkshroud, missing with both of its shots. The Blood Angels Scouts fired at the Watch Captain, but did no damage.
In the charge phase, Cawl assaulted the Lieutenant, while the Scouts charged the Watch Captain and Mephiston charged the Devastators.
Mephiston was able to kill the Devastators. The Scouts attacked the Captain, putting three wounds on him. I failed two saves, leaving him on one wound. Belisarius Cawl attacked the Lieutenant, wounding him four times. I failed four saves with one command point re-roll, leaving him on one wound remaining.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored Secure Objective 4 and his bonus point.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 8 + 8 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 7 + 5KP
At the end of turn 3, things were still close. We were close on victory points and each army had taken a beating. We would just need to see who held out to the end.
In my turn, I drew Defend Objective 2 to go with Secure Objective 1, Defend Objective 1 and Defend Objective 6. I bet one bonus point.
The Watch Master moved up on the Kastelan Robots, while the Darkshroud advanced onto the objective. The Assassin also moved up on the Robots. The Intercessors fell back from combat, moving onto the objective.
In the shooting phase, the Deathwatch Veterans fired their weaponry at Mephiston. I used the Flakk Missile stratagem (keeping the command point) and put three mortal wounds on the enemy psyker, killing him.
In the charge phase, the Watch Master and Assassin assaulted the Kastelan Robots.
The Watch Master did one wound on the Robots, and the Assassin also did one wound. The Lieutenant managed to do another wound.
The Robots attacked back, doing one wound on the Watch Master. Cawl attacked the Lieutenant, killing him.
The Watch Captain managed to kill the three Scouts in combat.
At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 1 and my bonus point. I discarded Defend Objective 1. Wayne also scored Assassinate.
In his fourth turn, Ben drew Secure Objective 5, Defend Objective 5, Kingslayer and Scour the Skies. He bet one point.
The Company Commander advanced towards the Infantry Squad, who also advanced towards Azrael.
In the shooting phase, the Onager targeted the Intercessors and Darkshroud. It put one wound on the Deathwatch Intercessors and wounded the Darkshroud. I failed the save with my last command point re-roll, taking two damage to leave it on one wound.
In the fight phase, the Robots did one wound on the Watch Master. The rest of the Robots and Cawl targeted the Assassin, but failed to score any hits.
In reply, the Watch Master managed to kill one Robot. Wayne used a stratagem to blow up the robot, putting 2 mortal wounds on the Assassin.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored no objectives and I scored the bonus point. I also scored Defend Objective 3 and Defend Objective 6.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 15 + 9 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 8 + 6KP
In my turn, I drew Witch Hunter, Secure Objective 3, Secure Objective 4 and Secure Objective 6. I bet one point to score.
The Watch Captain and Deathwatch Intercessors moved up on the enemy warlord, while Azrael moved up on the Infantry Squad coming to claim the objective.
In the shooting phase, the Deathwatch Veterans fired on the Infantry Squad. Their Frag Missiles did 5 wounds, killing two. Azrael managed to kill another 2, while the Ancient killed one more.
The Watch Captain and Intercessors fired on the Company Commander, killing him.
In the fight phase, the Watch Master struck at the Robots, killing one. Wayne used his last command point to blow it up, killing the Watch Master and putting one wound on the Assassin. Cawl struck at the Assassin, but did no damage. The Assassin was able to put two wounds on one of the Robots.
At the end of my turn, I scored Slay the Warlord, Secure Objective 2, Secure Objective 6 and my bonus point. I discarded Witch Hunter.
In his turn, Wayne drew Secure Objective 5, Defend Objective 5, Defend Objective 3 and Scour the Skies. He bet one point.
The remaining Mechanicus forces stayed in place to better target the enemy army.
The Onager Dunecrawler fired at the Intercessors and Darkshroud, failing to damage either. In the Fight phase, the Robots put one wound on the Assassin. The Culexus failed to do any damage. Cawl then struck at the Assassin, killing him.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored no points and I scored his bonus point. He discarded Defend Objective 3.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 19 + 11 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 8 + 8KP
We rolled to see if the game ended and it did not.
In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 4, Defend Objective 3 and Defend Objective 4. I bet one point to score.
The Watch Captain and Intercessors moved up on the Kastelan Robot. The Deathwatch Veterans advanced towards the objective, and the Darkshroud advanced.
Azrael fired on Cawl, doing no damage. The Watch Captain fired his pistol at the Dunecrawler, killing one.
In the charge phase, the Watch Captain assaulted the Kastellan Robots. He struck at the squad with his Thunder Hammer, killing both of them. Thankfully, neither blew up.
I scored Secure Objective 1 and the bonus point. I discarded Defend Objective 4.
In his turn, Wayne drew Mission Critical Objective (objective 3) and had Scour the Skies, Secure Objective 5 and Defend Objective 5.
Cawl moved up on the Watch Captain. The Onager fired on the Darkshroud, but failed to hit it. Cawl fired on the Watch Captain, wounding him twice, but failing to get past his invulnerable save.
In the charge phase, Cawl went to charge the Watch Captain, but rolled a double 1 charge!
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored no points and I scored the bonus point, and also scored Defend Objective 3. He discarded Mission Critical Objective.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 24 + 12 Kill Points
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 8 + 8KP
We rolled to see if the game wound end and it did not.
In my final turn, I drew Big Game Hunter, Secure Objective 4, Secure Objective 5 and Behind Enemy Lines. I bet one point.
The Watch Captain and Intercessors moved up on the Dunecrawler. The Intercessors fired their Bolt Rifles at the enemy vehicle, doing one wound to it.
The Watch Captain and Intercessors charged the Onager Dunecrawler, one of the Intercessors dying in overwatch.
The Captain struck at the Dunecrawler, only doing a single wound and taking 3 damage from it. The Intercessors failed to do any damage, the attacks back doing no damage.
At the end of turn, I scored Behind Enemy Lines and my bonus point.
In his final turn, Wayne drew Secure Objective 4, Secure Objective 4, Defend Objective 5 and Scour the Skies. He bet one point.
Cawl moved up on the Darkshroud, firing at the enemy skimmer, but failing to do any damage.
In the charge phase, he then assaulted the Darkshroud, swinging his power axe and destroying the enemy vehicle.
The Dunecrawler attacked the Watch Captain, hitting but failing to wound. The Watch Captain managed to do two wounds on the enemy walker, but one was saved by the armour.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored Scour the Skies and his bonus point.
With that, the game ended. I scored 9 points on the eternal war mission for holding 4 objectives (including the major and minor), while Wayne scored two points for holding one objective.
Cawl moved up on the Darkshroud, firing at the enemy skimmer, but failing to do any damage.
In the charge phase, he then assaulted the Darkshroud, swinging his power axe and destroying the enemy vehicle.
The Dunecrawler attacked the Watch Captain, hitting but failing to wound. The Watch Captain managed to do two wounds on the enemy walker, but one was saved by the armour.
At the end of his turn, Wayne scored Scour the Skies and his bonus point.
With that, the game ended. I scored 9 points on the eternal war mission for holding 4 objectives (including the major and minor), while Wayne scored two points for holding one objective.
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 26 + 12 Kill Points + 9 Eternal War = 47 pts
Adeptus Mechanicus/Blood Angels/Astra Militarum- 10 + 9KP + 2 Eternal War = 21 pts#
A win for the Dark Angels/Deathwatch and 20-0 tournament win for me.
Thanks to Wayne for a fantastic game. It was a lot closer than the scoreline suggested, and I think it really could have gone either way in the first few turns.
I was worried about this game going into it. The firepower that Wayne's army could put out was incredibly strong. Had I not got the first turn, I think it would have gone the other way. Getting to double shoot with the Robots from turn 1 would have caused chaos to my battle plan.
My first turn was decent. The Hellblasters did very little against the Robots, only causing three wounds on one for the loss of three Hellblasters. I was expecting them to do a lot more and was very worried when most of their attacks did nothing at all.
I think Wayne also made a mistake with moving up the Electro-Priests. Had we played the rules properly, they could not have moved within 9" of the Scout squads. This would have probably stopped Azrael, the Hellblasters and maybe even the Scouts assaulting them on turn 1. I still would have done a lot of damage with my firepower (the Deathwatch Veterans would have been able to target them with the Stalker Bolters), but they may have had enough left to do some damage to my army.
He also had an issue taking out the Darkshroud thanks to some very unlucky rolls and lucky invulnerable saves from me. It should have died within a couple of turns, but I kept rolling well for my saves.
One major error, in my opinion, was splitting the fire from the Kastelan Robots on turn 2. I would have only focused on the Deathwatch Intercessors and/or the Darkshroud. Had he wiped out the Intercessors, this would have stopped them from charging the Robots in turn 3 and shutting down their firepower for the rest of the game.
Even though the Storm Bolter Veterans were a threat with their potent firepower, they would have taken at least another 2 turns to get to the Robots to tie them up in combat, easily enough time to wipe them out in subsequent turns. I think had he focused fire a bit more, he would have won the game by taking out much of my army.
Overall, it was a really fun game. It did give me maximum points in my first game though, so I knew it might have to face a really tough match up in my next game.
A win for the Dark Angels/Deathwatch and 20-0 tournament win for me.
Thanks to Wayne for a fantastic game. It was a lot closer than the scoreline suggested, and I think it really could have gone either way in the first few turns.
I was worried about this game going into it. The firepower that Wayne's army could put out was incredibly strong. Had I not got the first turn, I think it would have gone the other way. Getting to double shoot with the Robots from turn 1 would have caused chaos to my battle plan.
My first turn was decent. The Hellblasters did very little against the Robots, only causing three wounds on one for the loss of three Hellblasters. I was expecting them to do a lot more and was very worried when most of their attacks did nothing at all.
I think Wayne also made a mistake with moving up the Electro-Priests. Had we played the rules properly, they could not have moved within 9" of the Scout squads. This would have probably stopped Azrael, the Hellblasters and maybe even the Scouts assaulting them on turn 1. I still would have done a lot of damage with my firepower (the Deathwatch Veterans would have been able to target them with the Stalker Bolters), but they may have had enough left to do some damage to my army.
He also had an issue taking out the Darkshroud thanks to some very unlucky rolls and lucky invulnerable saves from me. It should have died within a couple of turns, but I kept rolling well for my saves.
One major error, in my opinion, was splitting the fire from the Kastelan Robots on turn 2. I would have only focused on the Deathwatch Intercessors and/or the Darkshroud. Had he wiped out the Intercessors, this would have stopped them from charging the Robots in turn 3 and shutting down their firepower for the rest of the game.
Even though the Storm Bolter Veterans were a threat with their potent firepower, they would have taken at least another 2 turns to get to the Robots to tie them up in combat, easily enough time to wipe them out in subsequent turns. I think had he focused fire a bit more, he would have won the game by taking out much of my army.
Overall, it was a really fun game. It did give me maximum points in my first game though, so I knew it might have to face a really tough match up in my next game.