The Tau are a really strange case for me: They are an army where I quite like all the different elements, while the combination of them somehow leaves me cold. Does that make sense?

For the record, I love Kroot. I think the Firewarriors’ design – inspired in part by ancient Japanese footsoldiers – is pretty great. The combat suits are a pretty nifty idea for everyone who has ever loved Mecha-Animé (I have. Lord knows I have…). But for some elusive reason, once you throw all of this together, it somehow becomes less than the sum of its parts for me. Strange…

Anyway, every once in a while, I find myself sifting through cousin Andy’s monstrous bitzbox (which seems to have a rather calming effect on my soul), and I find myself holding some obscure Tau bit and thinking: That looks pretty cool. I also regularly used to pick up one of Andy’s old Crisis suits and saying aloud: I bet this could be made to look awesome. Then cousin Andy would interject that, no, these can not be made to look awesome due to the pretty restrictive nature of the kit. And while I don’t fully agree, I have to admit that GW managed to drop quite a few balls with the crisis design:
