So, the last time I did this, nine years ago, I made a few mistakes.  To start, I made a lot of achievements that just weren't likely possible (painting full armies?), which as I fell behind on them during the year, made them so difficult that I gave up.

I also made too many resolutions (nine), which meant I would've had to spread myself too thin to accomplish them.

The end result, of course, is that I failed every single one of them.  I am not sure I even was close to completing most of them.  It was a colossal failure, and as I considered my plans for this upcoming year, I put a few rules into place so that I can ensure I have good goals, and that I was in position to achieve them.

To that end, I made sure I limited the number of resolutions I was going to shoot for to five.  That's high enough that achievement would mean some good progress in my hobby and personal life, and low enough that I'm not overwhelmed by everything I'm trying to do.

The objectives also need to be measurable and specific.  I wanted specific goals to achieve.  The numbers themselves could be low for a specific goal, but the hope is to move things in the right direction for me.

So to that end, let's look at my goals- I have three hobby goals, and two more personal goals in 2019.

Get 15 painting points
I'm using the painting system that Old West Chronicle uses.  If I paint 15 models, I'm basically set.  If I paint bigger models, I can paint fewer than 15.  Back in my first hobby resolution post, I shot for 100 painting points!  One hundred!  I managed to paint zero.  As a matter of fact, I have painted zero points in the past eight years.  The goal is to paint a few things, and get me in the habit of painting more often.  Fifteen points is a good start.

Reduce my number of unplayed games by 10
As of the start of the new year, I own 236 games that I have never played.  Seriously, 236.  Truthfully, I'm not going to stop buying games (too many things interest me).  I want to start trimming this number though.  Owning games is FINE, but I haven't played them, why am I buying them?  So, the goal is to end the year at 226 unplayed games or fewer.  If I buy a new game, that's clearly a move in the opposite direction.

Play 50 games of Warmachine/Hordes
This will be the biggest challenge on the list.  I played 13 games of Warmachine/Hordes this past year.  I want to push myself to get it on the table more.  Get in the repetitions, get in the practice, and see how it goes.  As I'm doing this, I plan to get my other armies playable in Mk3 as well- my first Minion pairing will be basically completely assembled by the end of January, and I've already planned my Cryx pairing (the fairly standard Skarre1/Asphyxious3 pairing).  After that, Skorne, and then we'll see.  The dream is to have enough games getting played that I can get a lot of practice with my armies as they are completed.

And onto my more personal goals...

Read 18 books
I finished last year with 16 books read.  I have a hard time judging how much more I can go, while still growing, so I figure adding two is a good start.  So 18 it is.  Magazines don't count.  Rulebooks without an ISBN don't count.

Lose 25 pounds
Towards the middle of last year, I reached the heaviest I have ever weighed (in the mid-290s).  Honestly, I need to lose weight.  I joined Weight Watchers, and have been doing an okay job losing weight (I've lost about 8 lbs so far).  I will keep my current weight out of sight, but the goal is to lose 25 pounds by the end of the year.  Two a month is not a tremendously high pace, so it should be something I can achieve.  I just need to keep up with what I'm doing, and I'm sure this will be an easy one.

Anyway, what about you guys?  Anyone have any good resolutions?